Face up to Women's Breast Health

release time:2023-04-01|reading:

Symptoms such as breast pain, lumps in the breast, and nipple discharge are becoming a problem for millions of Chinese women.

Among them, 70% to 80% of women may experience varying degrees of breast pain at some point in their lives.

The fatigue of family and work has made people unbearable, and from time to time, breast pain jumps out to "act as a demon.".

The potential for breast research and even the risk of a malignant tumor disease has also cast a shadow on women's hearts, greatly reducing the quality of their living environment.

90% of breast pain comes from breast hyperplasia

Breast pain is the most common breast disease in women, and it is a phenomenon definition of breast pain. Its possible causes are not unique.

A small proportion of breast tissue pain in patients is caused by pain radiating from the chest wall (ribs, muscles, etc.) to the breast, and the pain location is not fixed, mostly triggering pain.

According to hospital breast surgery, 95% of breast pain among women aged 25-45 years is due to simple breast hyperplasia.

The pain can appear periodically, appearing 1-2 weeks before menstruation, and gradually disappearing after menstruation.

Most symptoms are bilateral breast pain, which feels like a bag of "pebbles.".

It can also be irregular pain, usually occurring in a fixed area on one side of the breast.

The main symptoms are tingling and burning. The tenderness may only be in certain areas, and the entire breast may not have significant lumps.

Endocrine abnormalities are the main cause of breast hyperplasia, and the causes of abnormalities in the endocrine system are largely related to repeated emotional changes in women, such as anger and stress.

Some women radiate pain to their backs and lateral armpits, affecting sleep, work, and learning, and causing anxiety, depression, neurasthenia, and other diseases.

Need intervention? Not recommended

Breast pain is a normal physiological phenomenon that does not require treatment or nursing intervention.

For a woman with special pain, it can be alleviated by paying attention to the following points in her daily learning and life in the enterprise:

Proper exercise

Adherence to exercise development can be achieved by promoting endocrine balance.

It is recommended to exercise 3 to 5 days a week, 20 to 30 minutes a day, mainly with low intensity aerobic exercise.

Reasonable diet control

Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits

For example, vegetables such as beans, soybeans, spinach, and fruits such as mangoes, tomatoes, and figs.

Do not eat moldy and spoiled food, do not eat pickled, smoked, roasted, and other products, and eat less spicy food yourself. Quit smoking and alcohol.

Try to avoid using estrogen supplements, drugs, and cosmetics, and do not abuse contraceptives.

Adjust your emotions

Avoid long-term physical fatigue, mental stress, excessive sadness, and other adverse emotional effects, and stay up late less to avoid causing endocrine system dysfunction that can lead to abnormal estrogen secretion.

Can it develop into a tumor? Cancer? don't worry

Breast hyperplasia is a disorder in the normal structure and function of the breast caused by periodic changes in sexual hormones.

Breast hyperplasia can be divided into the following two types: physiological and pathological.

Most people have physiological hyperplasia, so most breast hyperplasia has nothing to do with breast cancer.

After menopause, the estrogen in women gradually decreases, and the proliferation of breast tissue can be improved when it degrades.

However, pathological hyperplasia (such as cystic hyperplasia of the breast) tends to become cancerous, but there is no need to worry too much.

Research has found that the cause of breast cancer is actually a combination of multiple factors.

For example, a family with cultural inheritance, early menarche (<12 years old), and late menopause (>55 years old);

Unmarried, not having children, late childbearing, not breastfeeding;

Chest and exposure to excessive doses of radiation;

Taking exogenous estrogen for a long time;

Postmenopausal obesity;

The long-standing problems of excessive smoking, alcohol abuse and prosthesis implantation are closely related to Chinese breast cancer patients.

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