What to eat for health preservation at the beginning of winter? Best Beginning of Winter Diet

release time:2022-11-08|reading:

  Beginning of winter is the first solar term in winter, which indicates the coming of winter. In winter, the human body needs more nutrition to resist the cold, so winter has always been considered as a good time to replenish. Proper nourishing can not only supplement the calories consumed due to cold, but also give play to the value of traditional Chinese medicine in health preservation. So what kind of nourishing should be taken at the beginning of winter? Here are some health preserving recipes for the beginning of winter.

  1. Chinese yam and bean curd soup

  Efficacy: The Chinese yam is mild in nature and sweet in taste. It has a variety of effects and functions, such as strengthening the spleen and stomach, nourishing the kidney and essence, benefiting the lung and relieving cough. The bean curd can replenish the middle and qi, stimulate fluid and quench thirst; Lidong Health Preserving Soup is the first Chinese yam tofu soup. It has a very high nutritional value and has no worries about cholesterol and saturated fat. It is suitable for both men and women, young and old.

  Ingredients: 1 piece of bean curd, 200g Chinese yam, some ginger and scallions

  Practice: cut tofu into pieces, peel and wash yam into pieces; After frying the onion and ginger in the pot, add some water, and put all the ingredients into the pot. After the water boils, cook for a while, and then season with a little salt.

  2. Loach Tofu Soup

  Efficacy: Loach can replenish spleen and kidney, promote water and detoxify; Like tofu, loach is a kind of food with high protein and low fat. This soup can improve anemia, nourish the kidney, warm the yang, and increase vitality. It is also a nourishing soup for all ages in autumn and winter.

  Ingredients: 3 loaches, 150g tofu, and some ginger and scallions.

  Practice: cut tofu into pieces; Remove the internal organs of the loach and wash it, then boil it in boiling water for a short time; After frying the onion and ginger in the pot, add the loach and stir fry for a while, then add some water; Then add tofu, boil it over high heat and turn it to low heat for about 15 minutes. Season with a little salt.

  3. Hairtail and Tofu Soup

  Efficacy: hairtail is warm, tonic, detoxifying and hemostatic; Hairtail is rich in fat, protein, vitamin A, unsaturated fatty acids, phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine and other nutrients. With bean curd rich in protein and minerals, this soup is one of the best choices for winter tonic, and can also be eaten by pregnant women.

  Ingredients: 1 hairtail, 200g tofu, and appropriate amount of onion.

  Practice: cut tofu into pieces; After the hairtail is cleaned, cut it into sections; Heat up a skillet, fry the hairtail until it is slightly yellow, add some water, add tofu, boil it over high heat, turn it to low heat and cook it for about 10 minutes, sprinkle chopped green onion and a little salt for seasoning.

  4. Carrot and mutton soup

  Efficacy: Mutton can replenish blood essence, benefit asthenia and fatigue, warm the spleen, nourish the kidney and yang, and nourish the liver. The mutton has a high content of protein, calcium, iron and vitamin C. Eating this soup together with sweet carrots in the beginning of winter can not only resist cold, but also eliminate internal fire. The general weak can also drink this soup.

  Ingredients: 200g carrot, 250g mutton, 3 pieces of ginger.

  How to do it: wash the mutton, cut it into pieces, roll it in boiling water with Shaoxing wine for a while, then wash it and drain it; Boil mutton and ginger together in a clay pot. Add some water to the pot and turn it to low heat. After 1 hour, add carrots and continue to cook for about 1 hour. Season with a little salt.

  5. Chicken Soup with Carrots

  Efficacy: Carrots are rich in carotene, vitamin A, B1. B2. anthocyanin, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Native chicken meat is rich in protein and trace elements, which can strengthen the spleen and stomach, strengthen bones and enrich blood; This soup is especially suitable for people with emaciation, low immunity and anemia to eat in winter.

  Ingredients: 250g native chicken, 200g carrot, 5 pieces of mushroom, 2 pieces of ginger

  Practice: cut the chicken into pieces, blanch it with boiling water to remove the blood and oil foam; Peel carrots and cut them into pieces. Soak dried mushrooms in hair; Put all the ingredients into the pot, add some water to boil, and simmer slowly over low heat until the chicken is thoroughly cooked.

  6. Carrot and Duck Soup

  Efficacy: Duck meat has the effects of tonifying asthenia, nourishing the yin of the five internal organs, clearing the heat of asthenia, nourishing blood and water, nourishing the stomach and promoting fluid, supplemented by carrots for strengthening the spleen and liver. This soup is used in the beginning of winter, which not only consolidates the effect of nourishing yin and removing dryness, but also has good effects on physical weakness, post disease asthenia, malnutrition and other diseases.

  Ingredients: 200g duck meat, 5 red dates, 100g carrots, 1 piece of ginger.

  Practice: wash and cut the duck, blanch it in boiling water for 3 minutes, and remove the blood stain; Slice carrot; Put duck meat and ginger into a clay pot, add some water to boil, add carrots and red dates, turn the heat down and continue to cook for about 1 hour, and season with a little salt.

  Conclusion: At the time of the handover of autumn and winter, the solar term of the beginning of winter is coming. What to eat for health preservation at the beginning of winter? When designing a health preserving recipe at the beginning of winter, we should not only consider the Chinese medicine therapeutic value of the ingredients themselves, but also meet the needs of individual physique. The health preserving soup is relatively warm and easy to digest, so we can start to cook it at the beginning of winter.

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