What to do if the temperature drops sharply? Cover these six places to make you comfortable all winter

release time:2022-10-18|reading:

  Enter a difficult season. The temperature drops suddenly. If you don't pay attention to protection, your body will have some adverse reactions soon. In addition, due to the different geographical positions in the north and south of China, the autumn coolness in the south generally comes late, and the daytime temperature difference is not very large, while in the north, it is different. It is cold when it is said to be cold, and the daytime temperature difference is large. Therefore, especially before the heating, be careful to keep warm in case you feel the wind cold. What should we do if the temperature drops sharply? Shandong Zhushi Pharmaceutical Patch Shop tells you to cover these six places to make you comfortable in winter. Keep the six parts warm:

  Cold neck is easy to catch cold

  There are abundant nerves and capillaries in the back of the brain. If you catch cold, you may suffer from a slight cold, which can also shorten the blood vessels in the neck, which is not conducive to blood supply to the brain. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent wind evil from attacking the neck and causing disease. If the wind is strong, you can erect the collar and wear a bib.

  Cold belly button is easy to diarrhea

  Some women don't pay attention to keeping their umbilicus warm. Although they don't feel cold in the daytime, at night, the cold air simply passes through the umbilicus and invades the body. The first place to fight is the intestine, causing cold diarrhea. Some people have the habit of pedaling the quilt at night, and their abdomen gets a little cold. Therefore, it is suggested that these people should wear pajamas to sleep.

  Frozen back is easy to cough

  At present, many people in the south still show their backs when they sleep, which slightly harms the yang of the governor who patrols along their backs. For people with poor respiratory system, it is easy to induce cough, bronchitis and other diseases, especially cough may develop into dry cough. The Du Meridian patrols in the middle line of the back, which is the "sea of Yang Meridians". The cool wind invades the back. Over time, it will cause the deficiency of the Du Meridian's yang qi, weaken the effect of promoting warmth and fixation, and be especially afraid of cold in winter. In addition, the waist is the place for walking with veins, especially the back waist on both sides of the spine is the location of the kidney. The kidney likes warmth and hates cold. The back waist will also lose the qi of kidney yang if it is disturbed by the wind evil and cold qi.

  Frozen shoulder is easy to suffer

  Now many office workers feel shoulder pain when they wake up in the morning. They actually got periarthritis when they went to the hospital to check. Generally speaking, patients with periarthritis of shoulder are about 50 years old, so there is a folk saying of "fifty shoulders". However, it was cold at night after the autumn rain, and the shoulder was slightly attacked by the wind cold damp evil, presenting pain. Therefore, shoulder care should be taken to keep warm in autumn.

  The knee is susceptible to inflammation due to cold

  Fashionable girls always like to wear short skirts, shorts and boots in this season, with their knees exposed, but they will suffer from arthritis over time. Late autumn is the initial stage of arthritis. Many people's joints are afraid of cold, wind and even tingling.

  Cold feet

  As the saying goes, the feet are cold. If the feet are frozen, the body's resistance is easy to decline. The five viscera and six viscera have corresponding activating areas or reaction points in the feet. If they are frozen, they can reflexively shorten the capillaries in relevant parts. For people with cardiovascular diseases, their feet should be kept warm from time to time. Many people think they need hot water to soak their feet in winter. In fact, it is also suitable to soak their feet in hot water before going to bed in the cool autumn season, which can help smooth the blood flow of the feet and prevent cold weather.

  These five categories of people should keep warm:

  Cardio cerebrovascular patients

  Excessive temperature difference will shorten the blood vessels, increase the resistance of surrounding blood vessels, lead to higher blood pressure, and also lead to higher blood viscosity. In severe cases, it will also lead to angina pectoris, myocardial infarction and other symptoms in patients with coronary heart disease, and even make the blood vessels brittle and produce stroke, causing hemiplegia, which is life-threatening. The elderly suffering from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases should not be frozen in autumn, on the contrary, they should pay attention to keeping warm and add clothes in time with the change of climate.


  Part of the blood supply of diabetes patients is poor, especially the feet. Due to the influence of extreme cold, vasospasm may occur, which further reduces the blood volume, and is easy to cause complications such as scheduled necrosis and diabetes feet.

  Patients with asthma and bronchitis

  For some elderly people with chronic bronchitis, the protective function of their own airways is poor. When they catch cold, their body's resistance decreases greatly. After being invaded by germs and viruses, they can cause colds, coughs, tonsillitis and pneumonia. Asthma patients are very active to the changes of seasonal temperature and humidity, and their weak resistance may cause upper respiratory tract infection and induce asthma. For patients with asthma and bronchitis, the first thing is not to catch cold, so keeping warm is very important for them.

  Gastric patients

  The influence of the gastrointestinal tract on the cold is very active, because the temperature changes frequently in late autumn, especially when cold air suddenly strikes the gastrointestinal tract. If the abdomen is not warm enough, the old disease will recur. Some people also eat cold food in late autumn, while others prefer spicy, warm and dry food. These eating habits are very simple and cause stomach disease. Especially for patients with gastric ulcer, due to the influence of extreme cold, histamine in the blood increases, gastric acid excretion is vigorous, and gastrointestinal spasm shortens, which makes the original gastric ulcer occur again, and even causes severe complications such as gastric bleeding and gastric perforation.

  Patients with arthritis

  Those who are afraid of cold in their joints will aggravate their symptoms when they are cold. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and other joint diseases should pay attention to keeping their legs warm from autumn. Especially, there are many acupuncture points on the sole of the foot. Cold comes from the sole of the foot. In autumn, you must wear socks and try not to wear sandals.

  Being afraid of cold can be protected by diet

  Those who are afraid of the cold can make some adjustments in their diet, and achieve the effect of keeping warm and cold through food therapy. Food supplements in winter should be provided with foods rich in protein, vitamins and easy to digest. Eat more warm and nourishing foods.

  Mutton can protect against cold

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the basic principle of nourishing the liver in spring, the heart in summer, the lungs in autumn, and the kidneys in winter is "Tibet". It is very important to nourish the kidneys to prevent cold.

  Eating mutton often in winter can not only add heat to the human body to resist the extreme cold, but also cure and supplement all kinds of deficiencies, such as general cold cough, cold abdominal pain, cold body weakness, waist and knee soreness. Mutton is a good tonic food for nourishing kidney and preventing cold in winter.

  Chicken is rich in protein

  Many friends have a slight cold when it comes to autumn and winter, which is often related to weak physique. Therefore, in autumn and winter, they should eat more protein and food that can add energy, and properly add fat, such as eggs, milk and meat. Experts advocate eating more chicken, because chicken is warm and rich in protein.

  Honey is rich in trace elements

  In autumn and winter, we should eat more honey and less ginger. Honey brings energy to people and contains many trace elements, such as iron, calcium, tin, manganese, etc. Eating a cup of honey yogurt half an hour to an hour before going to bed every day can help you sleep, while honey can compensate for trace elements, vitamins and constipation. But at the moment, we should eat less ginger to prevent sweating from damaging body fluid, so as to preserve our physical strength.

  Eat more iron containing foods

  Iron is an important material for hematopoiesis, and the red blood cells in the blood bear the burden of oxygen transport and metabolism in the body. To turn protein, carbohydrate and fat into calories, we need enough oxygen.

  If the body is short of iron, it will suffer from iron deficiency anemia; The lack of things to transport oxygen results in poor heat production and a brief feeling of extreme cold. Many young women are especially afraid of cold. In winter, even in a room with heating, they often have cold hands and feet. Lack of iron intake is one of the important reasons. Therefore, women who are afraid of cold should eat more food rich in iron in winter, such as animal liver, beef, fish, eggs, black fungus, dates, milk, bean products, etc., which can improve their resistance to extreme cold.

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