Eating vegetarian food is longer than eating meat? Failure to pay attention to these three points is counterproductive

release time:2022-10-14|reading:

   Which is longer, meat or vegetarianism, has always been a controversial topic of diet. What is the truth?

  1、 Which is longer, vegetarian or meat?

  The United States once tracked the diet of 100000 Americans for five years. The results showed that meat eaters were more likely to die from various causes than vegetarians.

  A major study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association concluded that the mortality of vegetarians was significantly lower than that of meat eaters.

  However, we need to be cautious about the interpretation of this conclusion. Because mortality is not only related to diet, but also closely related to other social factors and environmental factors.

  Vegetarians live longer for a variety of reasons. A large part of the factors are that vegetarians themselves are accompanied by some healthy living habits. For example, some vegetarians love sports, adhere to exercise, refuse to smoke and never touch alcohol.

  2、 Pure vegetarianism does not necessarily mean healthYu Renwen, a senior nutritionist at the General Hospital of the Beijing Military Region, said: "eating too much meat can easily lead to high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but long-term vegetarianism can also cause some health problems."If you do not eat meat and eggs and eat vegan food, it is easy to lead to insufficient protein and iron intake, induce malnutrition, reduce memory, may cause iron deficiency or even iron deficiency anemia, and there are risks of zinc deficiency, vitamin B12 deficiency, etc. Long term vegetarian women may even have menopause.

  Pure vegetarianism does not necessarily mean health. Eating vegetarian food for a long time may also lead to the risk of nutrient deficiency.

  3、 How many of the three vegetarian mistakes did you hit?

  Myth 1: All vegetables have the same nutritional valueVegetables contain a lot of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and anthocyanins, which are very beneficial to human health. However, not all vegetables are equally good for vegetarians.

  Vegetarians should choose more nutritious dishes, such as green leafy vegetables such as kale, rape, amaranth and spinach. This kind of green leafy vegetables has high contents of vitamin C, carotene, iron, calcium, folic acid, vitamin B2 and other nutrients, so it is beneficial to eat more.

  Myth 2: Vegetables are more nutritious when eaten rawCold dressing and salad are popular with vegetarians. Many vegetarians believe that vegetables have nutritional value only when eaten raw. In fact, a lot of nutrients in vegetables need to be added with an appropriate amount of oil to be well absorbed. After heating, the integrity of the cell wall is destroyed, which makes them easier to be absorbed by the human body.

  Mistake 3: Too much fruit, but not less staple foodAs we all know, eating more fruits is good for health, but the sugar and energy in fruits cannot be ignored. If vegetarians eat more than half a kilo of fruit a day, they should reduce the number of staple foods accordingly to achieve the energy balance of the day.

  4、 Vegetarian food, keep away from diseasesBao Yun, director of the nutrition department of Yangzhou First Hospital, said: "Nutrition should be balanced. The diet should include not only fiber and carbohydrate, but also protein and proper amount of fat." Vegetarian health should pay attention to the following three points:1. Vegetarian food accounts for two thirdsThe American Cancer Research Association advocates that more than two-thirds of the food in three meals a day is from plants, which is helpful to reduce the risk of cancer.

  Therefore, vegetarians can rationalize and ration their vegetable and fruit intake every day, and eat strictly according to the ration, so that no more, no less, just right.

  Some people will suffer from insomnia, irritability and fatigue after a period of vegetarianism. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately resume normal diet. When the disease is serious, go to the hospital in time to check the cause.

  It is reasonable to be vegetarian one day a week, or one of the three meals. A reasonable combination of meat and vegetables is the secret of health and longevity.

  2. Control total dietary energyAccording to the recommendations of the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese Residents (2016), the daily intake of livestock meat and aquatic products should be 40-75g, and the daily intake of vegetables should be 300-500g, mainly dark vegetables.

  Vegetarians, like normal eaters, should pay attention to controlling the total energy of their meals, and should not take too much sugar and oil. For staple food, you can change rice and flour into coarse grains. Eat more laver, kelp, etc., increase compound nutrients, and reduce the risk of malnutrition.

  In terms of meat selection, reduce the purchase of red meat such as pigs, cattle and sheep, and eat more fish, shrimp and other aquatic products. Because the saturated fatty acid content of red meat is high, it is easy to cause obesity, which may increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Fish and shrimp and other aquatic products are rich in EPA and DHA, which are beneficial to human health.

  3. Avoid excessive oil and saltFor vegetarians, the daily oil intake should be controlled at 25-30g, and the salt intake should not exceed 6g. In terms of cooking methods, the amount of salt, sugar, soy sauce and other condiments should not be increased in order to pursue the "meat" flavor.

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