Be wary of sports injuries, are you doing it right?

release time:2023-09-06|reading:

As the saying goes, "Exercise more, get sick less". However, the risk of sports injuries increases significantly.

For people who do not usually exercise, sudden high-intensity exercise, if forced or wrong force, can easily lead to injury. It is necessary to warm up and pull all the muscles and ligaments apart to start exercising. If your muscular ligaments are not very good, all of a sudden you go to move, like the knee joint is very easy to damage.

In recent years, more and more patients have come to the hospital because of sports injuries. The knee joint is the largest joint in our human body and the most complex.

Running, mountaineering, and some people like to play all kinds of balls, which may lead to some knee injuries if they are not careful.

Many knee injuries are also caused by climbing. When climbing the mountain, the weight borne by the knee joint is 3 to 5 times the weight of the human body, especially in the middle-aged and elderly people, the joint cartilage has degenerated, osteoporosis, excessive weight-bearing flexion and extension activities will aggravate the wear and tear of the joint cartilage and accelerate the knee joint lesions.

Middle-aged and elderly people or friends with poor knee joints are best not to climb mountains often, you can change to swimming, cycling and other sports, which can not only play a role in exercise, but also strengthen the ligaments around the knee joint. If you choose to climb the mountain, you can choose a mountaineering stick, which essentially (climbing) changes from the movement of both lower limbs to the whole body, and also reduces the probability of knee joint injury.

There are also some knee injuries caused by weight-bearing squats. Although this movement can exercise most of the muscles of the body and is a good training method, the knee joint will be under greater pressure. People who usually lack exercise or are older, it is best to choose some muscle training that does not directly bear weight in the knee joint to improve safety.

Suggestion 1: Choose a good environment and try not to exercise when the sun is strong.

Suggestion 2: Pay attention to hydration, you can replenish 300 to 500 ml of water 4 hours before exercise; Hydration should be given in small amounts and several times during exercise, with 100 to 150 ml every 10 to 15 minutes. Replenish proper hydration within 1 hour after exercise to compensate for the loss of body fluids. If you exercise for too long, supplement some electrolyte drinks containing sugar, sodium, and potassium to combat dehydration and maintain fluid balance.

Tip 3: Do a warm up to get your heart and lungs and muscles ready. If we suddenly exercise without warming up, our myocardial blood supply will not be able to keep up, and the motor system such as joint muscles will not be prepared, which will increase the risk of myocardial ischemia, arrhythmia and muscle strain. Warm-up activities mainly include two parts, one is medium and small intensity endurance exercises, such as standing in place, brisk walking or jogging, cross steps, opening and closing jumps, etc., in order to improve cardiorespiratory adaptability. The second is the dynamic stretching of various parts of the body, which can improve the stretchability of muscles and joints. In general, the preparation activity lasts 5 to 10 minutes, and can be extended appropriately when the temperature is relatively low, which can last 10 to 15 minutes.

Tip 4: Do what you can and find a rhythm that suits you. There is no difference between good and bad sports, and whether it is suitable for yourself is the most important. Even if it is the same movement, we can reduce the intensity of exercise by reducing the amplitude of exercise and slowing down the pace of exercise, thereby reducing the risk of sports injuries.

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