10 ways to regulate emotions

release time:2023-07-18|reading:

As the stress of work and life increases, we make more and more people emotional. Negative emotions can affect physical and mental health, so when the mood is bad, we need to adjust it in time. Today, I will introduce you to 10 ways to regulate emotions.


10 ways to regulate emotions

1. Distract

Diverting attention from the things that cause bad emotions to other things, and freeing you from negative emotions, which triggers a positive, pleasant emotional response. When you are in a bad mood, you can do something that you are usually interested in and free yourself from negative emotions by shifting the focus of attention.

2. Exercise adjustment

Exercise can help the body secrete happy dopamine, and can also make the body's sympathetic and parasympathetic nerves more balanced, which can help stabilize mood, produce pleasure, and eliminate depression. After about 20 minutes of exercise, many people begin to feel better mood, more positive emotions and thinking, and more positive actions.

3. Sleep

Sleep can relieve fatigue and reduce the impact of bad emotions on the human body. Researchers believe that dreams play an important role in alleviating mood disorders.

4. Take a deep breath

Place your hands on your stomach, hold for 1-2 seconds as you inhale, and hold on for a longer time as you exhale, then slowly relax the muscles in different parts of your body, and your mood can be stabilized.

5. Keep a diary

Write the source of negative emotions through your own words, and in the process of writing, you will find the painful feelings that upset you, and then accept this feeling wholeheartedly and let go of the need for it.

6. Learn to reflect

After each emotional outburst, you can do a deep reflection, review the reasons and processes of your emotional outburst, reflect on the consequences caused by your emotions, and the beauty you missed due to emotions.

7. Watch funny and interesting videos

Happiness is infectious. Watching some decompression programs can instantly relax your mind.

8. Meditation

20 minutes of meditation is enough to combat the negative effects of anger. People who enter a meditative state breathe more slowly when recalling events that cause anger, their heart rate slows, and their blood pressure drops, which are all signs of relaxation.

9. Enjoy nature

All the vitality of nature can effectively remove the smog in your heart and make yourself feel happy. Immersing yourself in nature will be far from the mundane and mentally purified.

10. Talk

When negative emotions arise, you can talk to relatives and friends you trust. The understanding and support of friends will make your body and mind feel recognized.

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