How to eat dinner without getting fat

release time:2023-07-10|reading:

Many people have a misconception that they will not gain weight without eating dinner, and can even lose weight. Actually, it's not exactly like that. So, how do you eat dinner so that you don't get fat?


How to eat dinner without getting fat

If you want to eat not fat at night, pay attention to what you eat for dinner. High oil, high salt and high sugar, this three-high food cannot be touched, and it should be mainly light. At the same time, we must also pay attention to nutritional matching, whether it is vitamins, protein, or fiber supplements, can not be ignored.

Eat less staple foods at night, that is, avoid reducing high carbohydrates, and also choose some ingredients with more water and dietary fiber. Grains are more nutritious than refined rice noodles, rich in vitamins, protein and dietary fiber, and are also more suitable for people who lose weight. Dietary fiber helps slow down the emptying of the stomach, not easy to be hungry, but also promotes intestinal peristalsis, reduces fat accumulation, and prevents constipation.

Be sure to choose fresh dinner ingredients, not secondary processed foods such as bacon and grilled sausages. In addition, try to choose foods that are easy to digest for dinner.

Dinner is best eaten 3-4 hours before bedtime. Eat regularly and refuse to skip dinner. Skipping dinner affects physical health, and long-term skipping dinner may lead to stomach problems, and will also lead to a decrease in basal metabolism, thereby affecting the efficiency of weight loss. Once we don't have enough energy to sustain basic life activities, the body needs to burn muscles to keep it functioning.

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