What foods to eat in summer can be appetizing

release time:2023-06-19|reading:

With the advent of high temperature weather, people's bodies will also be stimulated by the heat and often lose appetite, which seriously affects everyone's work and life. So what foods to eat in summer are appetizing?


What foods to eat in summer can be appetizing

1. Hawthorn slices

Hawthorn tablets contain a variety of vitamins, tartaric acid, citric acid, hawthorn acid, malic acid, etc., and the lipase contained in them can promote the digestion of fatty foods, promote gastric juice secretion and increase gastric enzymes.

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that hawthorn has the effects of eliminating stasis, astringent and stopping diarrhea, activating blood and removing stasis. It mainly treats symptoms such as dietary stagnation, chest fullness, hernia and blood stasis, amenorrhea. In addition, eating hawthorn tablets can also lose weight and reduce blood lipids.

2. Sour plum

The organic acids contained in sour plum are mainly citric acid, malic acid, tannins, bitter folic acid, succinic acid, tartaric acid, etc., which have the effect of quenching thirst, stimulating appetite and eliminating fatigue, especially the content of citric acid is the most abundant in various fruits.

Citric acid is an indispensable important acid for the metabolism of human cell substances, which can promote the decomposition of lactic acid into carbon dioxide and water to be excreted from the body, restore fatigue, and benefit the absorption of calcium. Sour plum can neutralize acidic foods (meat, grains, cereals, etc.), promote metabolism and digestion, and improve gastrointestinal function.

3. Yogurt

Yogurt aids digestion and increases appetite. Moreover, it can maintain the ecological balance of intestinal flora, form a biological barrier, and inhibit the invasion of harmful bacteria into the intestine.


4. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in lycopene that can reduce blood lipid levels, hinder the oxidation of "bad" cholesterol, and help prevent atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that tomatoes have the effect of dispelling heart fire, quenching thirst, strengthening the stomach and eliminating food, stopping diarrhea and dispelling dampness, and are suitable for people with heavy limbs and loss of appetite on summer days.

It should be reminded that eating tomatoes raw on an empty stomach can easily cause stomach bloating and stomach pain, and you can make them into tomato soup and eat.

5. Sweet potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanins, which are beneficial to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular health. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that sweet potatoes taste sweet, flat sex, mainly treat spleen deficiency edema, sores and swelling, intestinal dryness and constipation and other diseases, according to legend, the Qianlong Emperor often ate baked sweet potatoes to cure constipation.

It is recorded in many medical texts such as the "Compendium of Materia Medica" that sweet potatoes have the effect of "replenishing deficiency, invigorating qi strength, strengthening the spleen and stomach, and strengthening kidney yin".

6. Grapes

When grapes are made into raisins, they are relatively high in sugar and iron, making them a good tonic for women, children and the frail and aneminate. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, grapes have the effects of relieving tendons and activating blood, appetizing and strengthening the spleen, aiding digestion, etc., and their iron content is rich, so it replenishes blood.

Grapes contain a large amount of fruit acid can help digestion, clean up gastrointestinal garbage, and have antibacterial effects on Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, grapes also contain vitamin P, which can reduce gastric acid toxicity, treat gastritis, enteritis and vomiting.

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