Radish is better than ginseng in winter? It means that this kind of radish... works wonders with one thing

release time:2022-06-21|reading:


       Do you want radish in winter? At first, it refers to the radish... This kind of thing has amazing effects

  Winter is a good season for health preservation. There is a folk saying that "in winter, you can make up for it, and fight tigers next year".

  However, winter is also the season when the human body is prone to internal fire. Therefore, there is a folk proverb "Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer".

  Eating radish in winter can reduce internal heat by regulating qi, which is a health preserving method of "taking ventilation as tonic".

  There are not so many kinds of radish. What kind of radish do we eat in winter?

  White radish, green radish, red radish or a carrot?

  To understand this problem, we must understand the health mechanism of eating radish in winter and the influence of various radishes.

  In winter, you should eat turnips that can nourish yin and reduce fire

  Traditional Chinese medicine health care focuses on the correspondence between nature and man, and changes from time to time. It must conform to the characteristics of the four seasons.

  "Yang in spring and summer, Yin in autumn and winter".

  The main reason for harvest and storage in autumn and winter is the cold climate.

  Similarly, the human body is the same. If there is fire in our body, it is not conducive to improving the introversion and collection of Yang Qi.

  Therefore, the method of nourishing yin, lowering fire and ventilating should be used for health preservation in winter.

  Eating radish in winter can play a healthy role, because radish can extinguish fire and avoid gas.

  Let's analyze and see which kind of radish has this function?

  1. White radish can dispel phlegm and relieve cough

  White radish is eaten raw and digested. Because its pungent ingredients can promote the secretion of gastric juice and regulate the gastrointestinal function, it can eliminate phlegm. If the food stops catching a cold, it is most appropriate to eat white radish.

  I wonder if you have ever tried to cut white radish into thick slices and chew them in your mouth.

  Chew the white radish juice dry before swallowing the radish.

  Although it may be spicy to eat like this, if you can endure the taste and chew two or three tablets, the cough relieving effect will be obvious.

  In addition, white radish can supplement gas, especially stewed pork and mutton, with good effect.

  2. Green radish soothes the liver, radish fire diuresis

  Traditional Chinese medicine stresses that "five colors correspond to five zang organs". Green enters the liver. Eat more fresh green vegetables. The liver is good.

  The middle-aged man is in menopause and has a short temper.

  Usually, we should eat more green vegetables, such as green vegetables, which can lower the liver fire, soothe the liver and regulate qi. It is a good food for nourishing the liver.

  In addition, green radish can also cause fire and diuresis. To prevent throat from getting angry or stomach and intestines from getting damp and hot in winter, it is better to use green radish.

  3. Radish: heat clearing and moisture relieving

  The carrot is slightly warm and enters the lung and stomach meridians. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying, removing dampness, removing blood stasis, strengthening stomach and eliminating food, resolving phlegm and cough, smoothing qi, facilitating defecation, producing fluid and thirst, tonifying the middle, and calming the five internal organs.

  Carrots produced in Northeast China have good effects on lowering blood pressure and blood lipid, and have good diuretic and detumescence effects. They are suitable for consumption all the year round.

  4. Carrots: invigorate the liver and improve eyesight

  Although it is also called radish, it has nothing to do with the above three kinds of carrots. It belongs to the umbrella carrot family.

  Carrots are sweet and flat in nature. They have the functions of lowering qi, benefiting the chest and diaphragm, and tonifying the five internal organs. They are also suitable for dry and rough skin. They can be eaten all the year round.

  In view of the above points, white radish and green radish can be selected for the most reliable curative effect in winter if the purpose of diet maintenance is achieved.

  "One green and one white" in winter

  1. Boil turnips for cooling

  There are also many cold people in autumn and winter, which is a sign of insufficient strength.

  It is necessary for people who love colds to be upright, and white radish just plays a role.

  But it needs to be cooked at this time.

  Erbai Soup

  Ingredients: 15g scallion, 30g white radish, 3g coriander.

  Practice: Wash and boil the above materials with proper amount of water, and drink while hot.

  Efficacy: Green onion white helps relieve symptoms, relieve yang and detoxify; White radish can help reduce Qigong, dispel phlegm and moisten the lung, detoxify and produce body fluids, diuresis and relieve constipation; Coriander, also known as "coriander", helps to clear qi, cool wind and detoxify.

  Suitable people: people who have close contact with influenza patients, and the general population can also take appropriate alcohol prevention.

  2. Green radish, calm your anger!

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that a person's big temper is related to his liver. The green color enters the liver, and the green radish is rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, so the effect of clearing heat and soothing the liver is excellent.

  Green Radish Liver Soothing Congee

  Raw materials: 50g fresh green radish, 50g japonica rice

  How to do it: Chopped radish, rice and porridge. In this way, you can drink it every day. After drinking it for a period of time, you will feel depressed and have a small temper.

  White radish has dual functions of treasure, nutrition and efficacy

  White radish is the most common in winter. It can be eaten in a variety of ways. Learning to mix it correctly will double its nutrition and efficacy!

  1. White radish+mutton

  2. White radish+kelp

  3. White radish+pear

  4. White radish+crucian carp

  Although the radish is very good, these people should eat it carefully

  1. Patients with gastrointestinal bleeding should not eat

  Radish is rich in dietary fiber, which is difficult for patients with gastrointestinal bleeding to digest. Eating it will stimulate the stomach, aggravate the disease and increase bleeding.

  Similarly, patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer should not eat too much radish.

  Infants less than 2.6 months old are not recommended to eat more, which is likely to cause gastrointestinal dysfunction.

  3. Patients with renal insufficiency should take it with the doctor's advice

  Renal insufficiency, especially dialysis patients, should be advised by doctors to eat.

  Because radish has 90% water content and diuretic function, patients with renal failure should eat with caution.

  Let friends have a look. Eat the right radish for a winter~

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