Sleep well every night and enjoy the "golden seven hours"

release time:2022-07-29|reading:

      For many people, a good night's sleep is a luxury.

  A survey shows that the average sleep time of Chinese people in 2021 will be 17 minutes less than that in 2020.

  According to the 2021 Amazon sleep map of China, more than 80% of people lack sleep, of which middle school students sleep the least and college students get up late.

  Men are more likely than women to stay up late.

  The top 10 occupations with sleep index from high to low are: civil servants, sales, financial personnel, blue collars, teachers, advertising/public relations personnel, enterprise executives, medical workers, IT workers and media workers.

  Insomnia is "cutting meat with a blunt knife", which can be very painful.

  In addition to the pain of the disease itself, it will also suffer a lot of incomprehension, as well as great psychological pressure from people around, which seriously affects the quality of life and work efficiency.

  Long term insomnia will also lead to multiple organ dysfunction and decreased immune function.

  Modern scientific research has confirmed that there are more than 90 diseases closely related to long-term insomnia.

  Insomnia will not only cause great pain to patients themselves, but also bring negative problems such as increased consumption of medical resources and increased accident rate to the whole society.

  Therefore, how to prevent insomnia scientifically and ensure healthy sleep has become a major issue in today's society.

  The golden seven hours of sleep is from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., especially before 3 a.m., when deep sleep is concentrated,

  Many organisms affect the functions of the physiological system, such as the secretion of growth hormone and the formation of immune regulatory factors,

  After 3-4 hours, there is little or no deep sleep.

  Therefore, the normal sleep at night is completely different from the supplementary sleep during the day. In order to achieve health, we should advocate to seize the golden 7 hours of development and go to bed on time.

  The general view that the elderly do not need too much sleep is not entirely correct.

  Scientific research shows that as people grow older, they need less sleep, and people over 60 should extend their sleep time accordingly.

  People aged 60 to 70 should sleep 9 hours a day; People aged 70 to 90 should sleep 10 hours a day; People over 90 should sleep 10 to 12 hours a day, no less than 10 hours.

  In fact, the average sleep time of the elderly at night is only 5-6 hours, but the elderly often doze off during the day to supplement the lack of sleep time at night.

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