Is the blood sugar of normal people 22 points serious?

release time:2022-08-13|reading:

       In life, most young people have poor eating habits. They often overeat and consume too much fat, which may lead to high blood sugar, and finally they are diagnosed with diabetes,

  This chronic disease has become younger. Many people want to ask whether the blood sugar of normal people at 22 o'clock is serious?

  The fasting blood glucose of normal people is only 3.9~6.0mmol/L, and your blood glucose has reached 22 points, which is very serious,

  At this time, we must find a way to restore blood sugar to the normal range or many complications will occur. Diabetic patients must receive medical treatment and diet under the guidance of doctors.

  Hazards of diabetes:

  1. Hazards to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases

  If the blood sugar of normal people rises and they do not receive treatment, their blood pressure and blood lipids will also rise. Once the blood vessels are blocked, they will suffer from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as coronary heart disease, cerebral hemorrhage, heart failure, etc. These diseases are fatal to the most serious extent.

  2. Harm to kidney

  If the blood sugar of diabetic patients is kept at a relatively high value for a long time, their kidneys will be seriously damaged, and gradually become renal failure, which is often referred to as uremia. This is also the main reason why type 2 diabetic patients lose their lives.

  3. Harm to eyeballs

  We often find that some diabetic patients are blind and can't see things outside. These are serious complications of diabetes. Early treatment will not cause such serious harm.

  4. Damage to peripheral blood vessels

  If diabetic patients do not receive targeted hypoglycemic treatment, the probability of peripheral vascular disease is quite high, which will lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of local tissues to injury factors.

  Is the blood sugar of normal people 22 points serious? It can be seen from the introduction of the above article that the blood sugar at 22 points is very serious, and diabetes has reached a certain level. If people still do not accept treatment at this time, these injuries in the above article will eventually occur, which are serious and even threaten their lives. Therefore, people must receive treatment as soon as possible after they find that the blood sugar is high.

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