What should be paid attention to in the diet of patients with thyroid nodules? This is the healthiest way to eat

release time:2022-08-15|reading:

       Thyroid nodules are divided into single thyroid nodules and multiple thyroid nodules. The former are mostly malignant, while the latter are mostly benign. Single thyroid nodules are more common in men, while multiple thyroid nodules are more common in women.

  The causes of thyroid nodules are related to drug stimulation, overeating, abnormal thyroid hormone secretion, iodine deficiency, emotional factors, etc. In daily life, we should pay more attention to diet, and mainly supplement foods with high protein and vitamins.

  But what foods should be avoided to control the thyroid nodule?

  1. Spicy and stimulating food: Many people like spicy and stimulating food in life, but for patients with thyroid nodules, the diet is mainly light, and it is better to eat less or not eat spicy and stimulating food. Common spicy and irritating foods include pepper, chili oil, ginger, garlic, onion and other foods. It is better to avoid them, which will stimulate the thyroid.

  2. Foods with high iodine content: Patients should also eat kelp and other foods appropriately. Although iodine is needed by the human body, excessive consumption will lead to a sharp increase in iodine content in the human body, which is not conducive to the recovery of the disease.

  3. High fat food: Patients should avoid eating high-fat food or greasy food. After all, food with high fat content will lead to fat deposition in patients, which will lead to hyperlipidemia, fatty liver and other diseases. It is also not conducive to the recovery of thyroid nodules and other diseases, otherwise it will further aggravate the disease. To intake a large amount of fat, you need to secrete an appropriate amount of thyroid hormone to inhibit fat decomposition.

  Thus, it destroys the endocrine balance of the human body and causes great damage to the thyroid. High fat food can include animal viscera, fried food, smoked chicken, roast duck, etc. The patient should avoid it.

  4. Cauliflower: Although it is nutritious, it is good for cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. However, cauliflower is inedible food for patients with thyroid nodules, and some components contained in cauliflower can stimulate the thyroid gland. It can be seen that eating cauliflower is not conducive to the recovery of patients. Therefore, it is necessary for patients to avoid eating cauliflower.

  5. Alcoholic food: The food added with alcohol will also stimulate the patient's condition, and it is necessary for the patient to avoid eating alcoholic food. In addition, you also need to stop drinking.

  To sum up, thyroid nodule is a disease caused by abnormal thyroid hormone secretion. There are single and multiple thyroid nodules, most of which are benign. Patients need to actively cooperate with doctors to improve, and they also need to supplement more nutritious food in terms of diet. However, attention should be paid to avoid eating the above five kinds of food to help control the development of the disease.

  Goiter diet

  Avoid sea objects, such as kelp, seaweed, seaweed, mussel, scallop, razor clam, jellyfish, sea cucumber, lobster, hairtail, mackerel, fish belly, clam, clam, turtle, etc.

  Try to eat less seafood and kelp. In fact, I should eat less meat and more vegetables. My neck swells the next day when I eat those highly nutritious things. It will be better to use Chinese medicine to recuperate.

  It is advisable to eat more foods that can enhance immunity: shiitake, mushroom, agaric, walnut, job's tears, red dates, yam, etc. Thyroid cyst is a disease caused by systemic factors. It should be treated with a decoction. The decoction can quickly enter the internal organs and microcirculation of the human body, take effect quickly, and recuperate the whole body, which is very consistent with the principle of treating thyroid cyst. The traditional Chinese medicine "Chen's Jiananling", based on the pathology of thyroid cyst, can eliminate carbuncle, disperse swelling, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and quickly eliminate thyroid cyst.

  Causes of goiter

  Iodine deficiency: Iodine is a necessary element for synthesizing thyroid hormone. If iodine is insufficient, the body cannot synthesize enough thyroid hormone. Feedback stimulates the increase of pituitary TSH, and the increased TSH promotes thyroid hyperplasia, causing goiter. China is a country with serious iodine deficiency, and the national policy of "iodized salt for all" is the most effective measure to prevent iodine deficiency disorders.

  Enzyme defect: congenital or acquired defects of some enzymes in the process of thyroid hormone synthesis can cause simple goiter, such as iodide transporter defect, peroxidase defect, dehalogenase defect, iodine tyrosine coupling enzyme defect, etc.

  Drugs: Iodide, fluoride, lithium salt, aminopyrine, amlumide, sulfonamides, butazone, amiodarone, sulfabutylurea, methimazole, propylthiouracil and other drugs can cause simple goiter. These drugs interfere with or inhibit each link in the process of thyroid hormone synthesis through different mechanisms, and ultimately affect the thyroid hormone synthesis. The feedback causes TSH to rise, leading to goiter.

  No matter what kind of thyroid disease, patients need to supplement iodine. Usually, they can eat more iodine rich foods, such as kelp and laver in seafood. The patient needs to pay more attention to exercise at ordinary times while replenishing iodine, have a positive and optimistic attitude, and also control their own emotions, not to be irritable or lose their temper easily.

  In the treatment of thyroid diseases, there are drug therapy, instrument therapy, drug plus instrument therapy and surgical therapy, among which surgical therapy is the least harmful. It can treat thyroid diseases and is not easy to recur after treatment, and has quick effect.

  The patients with goiter can use some food or Chinese herbal medicine that can clear heat and detoxify, promote blood circulation and dissipate blood stasis according to their own conditions, so as to reduce the goiter to a certain extent and alleviate the patient's condition.

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