What's wrong with male low back pain? What foods can I eat

release time:2022-08-16|reading:

        Many men have experienced low back pain in their daily life. There are many reasons for low back pain. What are the reasons for low back pain? What can men eat if they have low back pain?

  What are the common causes of male low back pain

  1. Long term standing work, resulting in lumbar muscle strain

  If you need to stand for a long time in your work, such as sales, hairdressing, teachers, waiters, etc., standing for a long time and continuously will weaken the stretching ability of our waist tendons and ligaments, resulting in excessive accumulation of local lactic acid, which will cause back pain when the normal metabolism of the waist muscles is inhibited. In addition, if you often carry heavy things, such as porters, the burden on your waist is very heavy. If you do this for a long time, it is easy to have scoliosis and lumbar muscle strain.

  2. Overwork

  Modern people have a lot of life pressure. Although modern women are relatively independent, men are still the backbone of the family. They always work hard to earn money to support their families. Working overtime and staying up late are common. Lack of sleep and irregular diet can easily lead to chronic fatigue. In this state of life, it is easy to have low back pain. If you do not pay attention to rest and health, low back pain symptoms will become more and more serious, It will lead to some diseases.

  3. Sitting posture problem

  Contrary to those who have been engaged in standing work for a long time, some people work by sitting for a long time, which is more comfortable than standing. However, if they do not pay attention to sitting posture, they are also prone to low back pain. The ancients paid attention to sitting posture and standing posture, but people's sitting posture was varied. Many people bent down or leaned against the chair. After sitting for a long time in these wrong positions, the problem of low back pain naturally came. If you want to relieve the low back pain of sedentary people, you must first learn the correct sitting posture.

  4. Kidney asthenia

  When it comes to men's low back pain, many people may think of kidney deficiency, because it is the most obvious manifestation of kidney deficiency. Men with kidney deficiency are mostly related to sexual life, and excessive indulgence is the main reason. Therefore, if it is kidney deficiency and low back pain, we should pay attention to tonifying the kidney, eating more black food, and controlling the number of sexual life. In addition, in addition to low back pain, kidney deficiency also has low sexual desire, impotence, spermatorrhea, anorexia, fatigue and other symptoms.

  5. Urinary system infection

  Male urinary system infection can also cause low back pain. Chlamydia and Mycoplasma are the causes of urinary infection, mainly manifested as low back pain and low back acid. Severe pain will radiate to the perineum, and there are symptoms such as dysuria and frequent urination. If male urinary infection is not treated in time, it will cause cystitis, prostatitis and other diseases, and even infertility. Therefore, male urinary infection should be treated in time. In addition, diseases such as urolithiasis and tuberculosis can also lead to low back pain in men.

  6. Lumbar disease

  Lumbar diseases are common causes of low back pain, such as lumbar disc herniation, spinal injury, lumbar spinal stenosis, etc., which can directly lead to low back pain.

  7. Nephrolithiasis

  This cause is ignored by people. Kidney stones can cause low back pain, which is different from ordinary low back pain. The low back pain caused by kidney stones is generally above the waist, and the part is higher. When the stones are not active, it shows occasional pain. When the stones are active, the pain is more severe, and serious patients dare not stand up.

  What can men eat for low back pain

  1、 Walnut kernel

  Walnut kernel is a kind of dry fruit that can help the body to supplement nutrition. When men are weak, eating walnut kernel regularly can effectively relieve waist pain, help replenish qi and blood, and help warm and nourish the kidney.

  2、 Chestnut

  Chestnuts are a common food. In life, many people like to cook chestnuts together with rice. Men can eat more chestnuts at ordinary times. Chestnuts not only have the effect of tonifying the kidney and strengthening the waist, but also are good for men with kidney deficiency and lumbago

  3、 Mutton

  Mutton is a kind of food that can cure kidney deficiency, low back pain, impotence and other diseases. It is a kind of great tonic food. For men who are weak or prone to low back pain, they can eat more mutton at ordinary times, which can help improve the body immunity, and then effectively help to treat kidney deficiency and improve low back pain.

  4、 Chinese wolfberry

  Lycium barbarum has the symptoms of strengthening yang and kidney, improving eyesight, and removing back pain. In addition, lycium barbarum can not only replenish the waist, but also clear the liver to a certain extent. After entering the body, it can help promote the intestinal function. Therefore, male friends can eat some lycium barbarum appropriately when they have backache at ordinary times, and it can also improve vision and memory.

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