The health care bureau should catch up with the benefits of moxa leaf soaked feet

release time:2022-08-17|reading:

       Many people like to soak their feet. Soaking feet can not only relieve fatigue for a day, but also is the most affordable way to maintain health. However, adding some wormwood will have different benefits when soaking feet. What are the benefits of moxa leaf soaked feet?

  1. Relieve wind chill

  It has entered autumn, and the weather is cooler. Many people like to eat popsicles and blow air conditioners. They don't wear clothes in time. They even take a bath immediately without taking a rest after exercising... These behaviors are easy to cause the cold to invade the body. If they don't correct their bad habits in time, the cold will invade more and more, which will easily lead to colds and cold problems.

  At this time, it is recommended to use wormwood leaf bubble feet to help remove wind chill. When you are cold, you can also drink some brown sugar ginger tea while soaking your feet in wormwood leaves, which also has the effect of expelling cold. Use both together to help you ward off the cold.

  2. Dehumidification

  Many people have a lot of moisture in their lives, such as yellow tongue coating and obvious tooth marks on both sides of the tongue; For example, the excreted stool is easy to stick to the toilet and not easy to flush down... If the humidity in the body is too heavy and is not regulated for a long time, it will affect the blood circulation, so it must be removed in time.

  If you want to dispel dampness, it is suggested that you use wormwood leaves to make soup in the evening, and then soak your feet in wormwood leaves water. Because the mugwort leaf has the effect of activating channels and collaterals, it can promote blood circulation. In addition, in the process of soaking feet, the body will slightly heat up, and part of the moisture will be discharged with sweat, thus playing a certain dehumidification effect.

  3. Remove false fire

  Many people are prone to sore throat, mouth ulcers and other discomfort when the season changes. If this happens frequently, it means that there is excessive fire in your body, which is generally caused by hidden inflammation. In order to avoid such discomfort, people need to think of ways to eliminate false fire.

  It is recommended to soak your feet in mugwort water for 20 minutes every night to make your body slightly warm, and then drink a cup of warm boiled water. It can accelerate the blood circulation of the body and help you relieve the symptoms of asthenia fire.

  How to achieve health preservation by soaking feet:

  1. Add salt to the soaking water

  Salt water can kill bacteria and diminish inflammation. If you often soak your feet in salt water, the skin of your feet will become smoother. At the same time, it has a very good anti beriberi effect.

  2. Add safflower in soaking water

  On weekdays, you can add some safflower to soak your feet for 15 to 30 minutes after the temperature of the soaking water drops to the point where you can lower your feet. Persisting in soaking feet in this way can alleviate the problem of cold dysmenorrhea, because safflower is a material with the effect of removing blood stasis, relieving pain, and activating blood circulation to clear the channels.

  3. Add ginger in soaking water

  Some people are very afraid of cold. Their hands and feet are cold all the year round, which is a sign of cold. If the problem of body cold is not solved in time, it will affect pregnancy, so it is necessary to expel the body cold in time. It is recommended to soak your feet in ginger boiling water every day, because ginger can stimulate the capillaries of the human body, help the human body to promote local blood circulation, and make the heat better reach all parts of the body, so that the body can quickly warm up. If you persist for a long time, the cold in your body will be removed and you will have a strong body.

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