Senile comatose patients should be alert to hypoglycemic coma

release time:2022-08-30|reading:

       In clinical work, it is often encountered that the elderly comatose patients are sent to the hospital and their blood sugar is measured quickly. The result is hypoglycemic coma, and they will wake up soon after intravenous injection of hypertonic sugar.

  Family members are often confused.

  "The elderly are diabetic, and their blood sugar should be very high. How can they have hypoglycemia“

  In fact, diabetic patients often have hypoglycemic reaction in the course of treatment.

  Diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by elevated blood sugar.

  Hypoglycemia is often related to failure to eat in time after taking too much hypoglycemic drugs, and sudden increase in exercise or decrease in food intake.

  In addition, in the elderly, liver and kidney dysfunction is easy to cause drug accumulation, which is also an important influencing factor.

  When hypoglycemia occurs, most patients will have a series of symptoms of abnormal sympathetic nervous excitement, such as anxiety, irritability, strange behavior, hunger, palpitations, palpitations, palpitations, pale face, and excessive sweating.

  When these symptoms occur, the patient should be given attention.

  By eating sweet food, sweet drink or sweet fruit, infusion of glucose, etc., hypoglycemia can be quickly corrected, and symptoms can quickly disappear.

  However, some elderly patients have poor responsiveness to hypoglycemia due to various factors such as physiological dysfunction, multiple complications, poor endocrine regulation, vegetative neuropathy, etc., leading to insignificant early symptoms of hypoglycemia or atypical symptoms throughout the hypoglycemia period, which is easy to be ignored or misdiagnosed.

  Once the blood sugar is lower than 2.5-2.8 mmol/L, hypoglycemic coma may be caused.

  Generally speaking, the damage of the central nervous system in the early stage of hypoglycemic coma is reversible, and there is no sequela after cure.

  But if it is delayed, it will develop into irreversible damage, causing disability and even endangering life.

  In recent years, the number of diabetic patients is increasing year by year, and the number of cases that cause hypoglycemic coma is also increasing. We should be more alert to this disease. Such patients should first have a rapid blood glucose level measurement, which is the most effective and fastest diagnostic method, and not delay the condition because they are busy with brain CT and other examinations.

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