How to recuperate after childbirth? Postpartum diet taboos

release time:2022-09-03|reading:

       The adjustment of postpartum diet is very important for the puerpera. Eating delicious nutrition during the month is very important for both the puerpera and the baby. However, no matter what or how you eat, you must have balanced nutrition. What should you eat after childbirth to make your body meet the nutritional needs? Let's get to know.

  How to regulate postpartum diet

  1. Drink plenty of soup

  Because the soup is not only nutritious, but also easy to absorb for the parturient, which can promote a normal secretion of milk, which is very helpful for the physical recovery of the parturient. Therefore, drinking soup is a very important food for the parturient. The best soup is braised pig's foot soup, crucian carp soup, rib soup, beef soup, etc. The parturient must drink more, which is helpful for the body and children.

  2. Brown sugar must be eaten less

  However, it is also necessary to eat brown sugar. The iron content of brown sugar is many times that of white sugar. Because the parturient has lost too much blood after childbirth, eating brown sugar is helpful to promote blood production. Brown sugar is mild and has the effect of promoting blood circulation. It is very good for postpartum women, but it should not be eaten too much for too long.

  3. Be sure to eat some fresh fruits and vegetables

  Because fresh fruits and vegetables not only taste delicious, but also can promote appetite, effectively help digestion and excretion of the stomach. In addition, mothers must eat a balanced nutrition every day.

  4. Be sure to drink more millet porridge

  Because millet porridge contains not only a variety of nutritional elements, but also a large number of fiber elements. Eating more millet porridge can help to discharge stool and prevent constipation. The rotten spots of rice porridge contain a lot of water, which can help the intestinal digestion and absorption of the pregnant woman.

  5. Eat more eggs

  Because eggs contain a lot of iron and protein, including some other nutrient elements, which are very conducive to the absorption and utilization of the human body, and are very beneficial to the physical recovery and milk secretion of a pregnant woman. There are many ways to eat eggs, such as boiled eggs or steamed eggs. It is appropriate to eat three or four eggs a day. If you eat too much, the gastrointestinal absorption is not good, And sometimes constipation occurs.

  6. You can have some noodles

  Because the noodles will help the intestines and stomach to absorb after they are boiled and thinned, adding eggs to the soup can help the stomach and stomach to digest and metabolize.

  7. Eat more vegetables

  Eating more green vegetables has many advantages, because there are many vitamins in the vegetables. Eating more green vegetables is also good for your health. Maternity must eat more.

  What is the taboo of postpartum diet

  The puerpera should not eat too much cold and spicy food after delivery. In addition to fresh vegetables and fruits, they should not eat too much cold food, which is not easy to digest. It is very unfavorable for the recovery of the woman's body, because cold and raw food will promote blood coagulation, which is not conducive to the discharge of lochia by the puerpera. If the discharge of lochia is not clean, it will cause abdominal pain after delivery. In addition, spicy and stimulating food should not be eaten more. Seasonings such as onions, garlic, chili, Chinese prickly ash should be put less or not when cooking. Such food has the disadvantage of heating.

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