What fruits do menopausal women eat? They eat more of these four fruits

release time:2022-09-03|reading:

       Menopause is a special stage for women. At this stage, women are prone to discomfort, such as frequent sweating, fever, inexplicably upset, etc. Therefore, you must take good care of yourself and help yourself to alleviate discomfort. Among them, diet can help maintain health. For example, the following fruits are often eaten by menopausal women to maintain health.

  What fruit should women eat during menopause

  1. Citrus

  Citrus is sweet, sour and delicious, with plenty of juice. It is a favorite fruit for many people. It is suggested that menopausal women should eat it appropriately, because eating citrus has the effect of promoting qi and broadening the chest, helping women to improve their irritability.

  Among them, when you eat citrus, you should eat it together with orange collaterals, because eating it has the effect of regulating qi and eliminating stagnation.

  2. Longan

  This kind of fruit is a tonic. Eating it can nourish the deficiency and wisdom, stimulate the appetite and benefit the spleen. It can obviously improve menopausal anemia, insomnia, amnesia and other problems. Therefore, women in menopause should eat some longan properly on weekdays. Of course, it should be noted that longan is easy to get angry if you eat too much, because you should pay attention to the amount of longan you eat.

  As for the eating method, it is very good to eat raw or drink soup directly.

  3. Chinese date

  Eating dates can have the effect of nourishing blood, calming the nerves, nourishing the spleen and stomach, and nourishing the body. It is especially suitable for people with weak constitution. Therefore, it is suggested that menopausal women should eat some appropriately. Because after entering the menopause, various functions will decline significantly. If the body does not replenish, it will become extremely weak and unhealthy.

  Among them, dates can be eaten as snacks or boiled in soup. For example, prepare a proper amount of medlar, jujube and an egg, wash the first two and put them into a big bowl, pour in a proper amount of water, finally add the eggs, put the big bowl on the shelf in the pot, cover the pot cover and stew for half an hour to one hour. This kind of soup is very warm and nourishing, and has a very good effect on nourishing qi and blood.

  4. Walnut

  It is an excellent material for nourishing the body. The ancient medical books have noted that it has the effects of tonifying the kidney and essence, smoothing the blood vessels, etc. For menopausal women who are beginning to age quickly, eating it is extremely beneficial.

  Of course, walnuts are usually used to cook porridge or stew. They taste better and are more nutritious.

  Methods to relieve menopause

  1. Face it calmly

  Entering menopause means that aging is accelerated, which women do not want, so they are afraid of entering menopause. Don't be afraid, because once you are afraid, you will easily feel anxious, which will cause more menopausal discomfort. Therefore, women should face the menopause calmly. This stage is something that everyone should experience. To face it with a positive attitude is conducive to preventing menopause discomfort, or to choose ways to alleviate symptoms earlier.

  2. Keep a good mood

  After entering menopause, women's emotions fluctuate greatly, and they are always inexplicably angry or unhappy. Great emotional changes are bad for your health. Therefore, you must learn to regulate your emotions. Keep yourself in a good mood all the time and stay away from bad emotions such as sadness and anger.

  When you are in a bad mood, you should go out for a walk, relax, or eat what you like. When you want to be angry, remember to take a deep breath, adjust your breath, and slowly release your anger.

  3. Change diet

  After entering the menopause, the digestive capacity of the stomach and intestines has declined a lot, in order to supplement nutrition for the body in time. On weekdays, you should choose to eat some easily digestible food, and eat a little light. If you eat very greasy and salty all day, it will affect women's appetite. In this way, the food intake will be reduced, and the body will not be able to obtain enough nutrition.

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