To prevent autumn dryness, do you know what food matches autumn better?

release time:2022-09-19|reading:

       Prevent dryness in autumn. Do you know what food is suitable for autumn?

  As for the intrusion of "autumn dryness", many people think that we are just ordinary dryness or getting angry. However, they do not know that "belittling the enemy" often causes the disease in late autumn or even in the whole winter. Therefore, diet can regulate themselves and should be studied mainly by focusing on "moistening dryness".

  To alleviate the dryness in autumn, you may need a grapefruit

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that grapefruit meat is cool, sweet and sour, which has the effects of clearing the lung and moistening the intestines, relieving cough and resolving phlegm, and eliminating alcohol consumption;

  The pomelo peel tastes warm, bitter and pungent, belonging to the lung and spleen; Regulate qi widely, use dryness and dampness to dissipate phlegm;

  The pomelo seed is a kind of pomelo seed, which has the effects of cooling and regulating qi, similar to the orange seed, and is mainly used for hernia. The pomelo leaf contains volatile oil, which has the effects of anti-inflammatory, analgesic and expectorant.

  The pomelo pulp has a good taste, crisp and tender, juicy and delicious, moderate sweet and sour, and full flavor.

  There are four obvious characteristics:

  1. Rich in water: 89g of water is contained in every 100g of pulp, which is most suitable for replenishing the body in dry autumn and winter.

  2. Low energy: The energy of grapefruit is only 41 kcal/100g, nearly 10 kcal lower than that of apple fruit. You don't need to worry about getting fat when eating grapefruit.

  3. Low GI: Grapefruit is a truly low GI (blood glucose data generation index) fruit, with a GI of only 25. It is especially suitable for people with high blood glucose levels or diabetes.

  4. Rich in vitamin c: Grapefruit contains 23 mg/100g of vitamin c, which is high in autumn and winter vegetables and fruits. Vitamin c can reduce cholesterol in the blood, prevent colds, enhance immunity and beautify the skin.

  Multi nutrients: vitamins such as vitamin B1. vitamin B2. carotene and minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium.

  In particular, high potassium and low sodium can help prevent hypertension and other cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

  In addition, pomelo peel accounts for a large proportion of self weight, about 55% - 54%.

  Many people throw away the pomelo peel after eating the fruit, which is a great waste!

  Using pomelo peel for cooking has a unique flavor.

  Peel off the hard skin and remove the flocs that tightly wrap the flesh, leaving a soft sponge in the middle.

  Slice or cut the meat and cook it together, which can reduce the fat ratio of the whole dish, and also play the role of relieving greasy and helping digestion.

  For example: Steamed pork with grapefruit flour, grapefruit skin pork, braised pork with grapefruit skin, steamed pork ribs with grapefruit skin, etc.

  Dry in autumn, drink a bowl of moisturizing and skin care soup

  Huangjing Cooked Pork Bone Soup

  Ingredients: 20g yellow essence, 20g cooked rehmannia, 250g pig bone.

  Method: Wash the pig bone, cut it into slices, scald it with water for standby; Wash and boil the essence of polygonatum, soak it in water for about 20 minutes; Add pork bones, cook over low heat for 1 hour, and add a little salt.

  This kind of soup tastes sweet and helps to improve the problem of dry and wrinkled skin.

  Black bone chicken soup with American ginseng

  Ingredients: 500g black bone chicken, 3g American ginseng, 15g Chinese wolfberry, 10g Ophiopogon japonicus, 5 pieces of jujube and 2 pieces of ginger.

  How to do it: wash the black bone chicken, put it into a pot and cook it, skim the foam, chop the chicken, put it into a casserole, then add American ginseng, ginger slices, red dates, Chinese wolfberry, and ophiopogon japonicus, add some water, and cook it for 1.5 hours before seasoning.

  Soup has the effect of nourishing blood, yin and heat. It is especially suitable for dry skin in autumn, and shows lack of heat, such as discomfort, insomnia, thirst, dry throat, hands, feet, heart heat, etc.

  Pork Soup with Sea Cucumber and Jade Bamboo

  Ingredients: 500g lean meat, 30g sea cucumber, 30g polygonatum odoratum, 6g figs, 20g lily, and 1 Sydney.

  Practice: Clean and cut lean meat, blanch to remove foam.

  Sydney washed, cored and cut into pieces. Wash the sea cucumber, polygonatum odoratum, figs and lilies, add lean meat and Sydney, add some water, cook for 15 minutes over high heat, then turn to "low heat" for 1.5 hours, and finally season.

  This soup tastes sweet, and is very suitable for dry autumn consumption.

  Black bone chicken soup with papaya and apple

  Ingredients: 1 papaya, 2 apples, half black chicken (about 300g), 3 pieces of ginger (3-4 people).

  Method: peel and dice papaya, peel and dice apples, peel and dice black chicken, wash ginger, slice and pat flat.

  Put the prepared raw materials into a earthen pot, add 2000-2500ml of water, boil over high heat, boil over medium heat for about 1 hour, add salt and mix well before serving.

  When the weather is dry in autumn and winter, the skin is prone to peeling, especially for women with poor blood, the skin looks rough and lusterless when it is dry. When this problem occurs, you can choose other fruit soups to nourish yin and moisten dryness.

  In the sweet soup, we compare and analyze apples, pears, papayas, etc., including apples, which are used to make soup, fresh and sweet, and have a certain anti diarrhea effect. The content of potassium and pectin in the soup is constantly rich, and neither of them is afraid of heat. Therefore, even if the apple is cooked and eaten, it can maximize its health benefits.

  Papaya also plays the role of sweet running, and apples also play a good role.

  If it is spring and summer, it is recommended to choose some quiet and smooth pork.

  In autumn and winter, choose black chicken, which is more suitable for people with insufficient life.

  Yam Jinyuluo Soup

  Ingredients: 250g Tiebang yam, 1 carrot (about 150g), 1 corn, 500g snails, 250g pork chops, 3 red dates and 3 ginger.


  First, wash the snails, cut off the tail with pliers, wash the snails with plenty of water, add salt, and clean the soil on the surface of the snails;

  Peel and wash the iron stick yam and carrot, and cut them into thick slices with a hob; Peel and beard corn, wash and cut into 6 sections;

  Dates were split and pitted; Rinse ginger and slice.

  Then, put all the prepared materials into the casserole, add 2500 ml of water and a little white wine, use the five fire switch to boil the switch slowly for 1.5 hours, and add salt for seasoning.

  In ingredients, Chinese yam is sweet and flat in nature, good at tonifying the spleen and lungs, nourishing the stomach and promoting fluid production, and tonifying the kidney and astringent essence; Carrots (also known as golden bamboo shoots) are sweet and pungent in nature, good at strengthening the spleen and harmonizing, nourishing the liver and improving the eyesight, resolving phlegm and relieving cough; Corn tastes sweet and has a flat nature. It can stimulate appetite and promote diuresis.

  The natural flavor is "sweet, salty and cold". The snails are good at clearing away heat and dampness, relieving thirst and detoxification. The natural flavor is sweet, salty and slightly cold. The ribs are good at tonifying kidney and yin, nourishing qi and blood, and nourishing fluid and moistening dryness. The spleen and stomach are mixed with ginger and jujube.

  All things are boiled together, and the soup is cool and clear. It can not only clear heat and damp, appetizers and thirst quenchers, expectorants and cough relievers, but also invigorate the spleen and lungs, replenish qi and blood, replenish kidney and yin, and stimulate fluid and dryness.

  It is suitable for the general population to take it in autumn and dry seasons (people with spleen and stomach deficiency and cold should be careful).

  Tip: How should we learn to protect our skin in autumn?

  Clean skin: choose amino acid cleaner that is dynamic, clean, but mild and non irritating; Wash face with warm or cold water; The bath water temperature shall be controlled at about 37 ℃, and the bath time shall be 15 minutes. Apply moisturizing emulsion, such as Vaseline and Vitamin E emulsion.

  Attention to moisturizing: skin moisturizing is especially important in autumn. It is recommended to choose moisturizing skin care products, such as hyaluronic acid, cod liver oil, urea cream, etc.

  Sensitive muscles can be selected as safer medical skin care products.

  Pay attention to sunscreen: the ultraviolet ray in autumn is still strong, so you can choose sunscreen with a spf value of about 25.

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