What can I eat to cure constipation? Ten kinds of food are super effective

release time:2022-09-20|reading:

    Constipation is a common disease in our daily life. It is believed that many people will also have this situation. When this situation occurs, many people are thinking about what methods can help us alleviate constipation? Which foods can also help us treat constipation? Now let's go and have a look.

  What can I eat to cure constipation

  1. Sesame

  When constipation occurs, we can effectively relieve it by eating black sesame. We all know that black sesame can moisten intestines and relieve constipation, which is very suitable for people with dry intestines. Stir fry the black sesame, grind it into powder with the winter mulberry leaves, and then add honey to make the mulberry pill. Take 12-15g daily for 1 month.

  2. Donkey hide gelatin

  Ejiao is a good tonic, and many female friends are familiar with it. Aside from nourishing yin and blood, Ejiao can also moisten intestines, which is very suitable for people with constipation due to physical deficiency. If the elderly or people with weak body suffer from constipation, they can use 2g donkey hide gelatin, 3 scallions, and 2 tablespoons of honey. First fry the scallions in water, then add donkey hide gelatin to stir and melt them, then add honey to mix them well, and take warm clothes before meals. This method is also suitable for people who are weak after childbirth and have constipation.

  3. Banana

  Bananas can cure instant noodles. I believe we should know better. They are especially suitable for people with heat constipation and habitual dry bowel constipation. They eat two or three bananas a day, one or two at a time.

  4. Sugarcane

  Sugarcane can moisten intestines and clear heat, as well as produce saliva, which is very suitable for people with heat constipation. You can use green sugar cane to extract juice, then add honey, mix it well, and drink it on an empty stomach every morning and evening.

  5. Pear

  Pears are cool in nature and can moisten dryness, stimulate fluid and clear away heat. For patients with dry and hot constipation, eating pears is very effective in treating constipation. It is mentioned in the Chinese Medicine Dictionary that pear can treat constipation. Kaibao Herbal Medicine is also impatient, saying that pears can "facilitate defecation".

  6. Sweet Potato

  When constipation occurs, our elders will let us eat more sweet potatoes. This is because sweet potatoes can cool the blood, relieve constipation, remove toxins in the body, and broaden the intestines and stomach. It is more suitable for patients with chronic constipation.

  7. Taro

  As long as people are constipated, they are very suitable for eating fish head, because taro is an alkaline food with rich starch and vitamins. It is very common to use taro to treat constipation in life. You can use boiled taro, taro porridge, taro soup, etc.

  8. White radish

  Prepare 300 fresh white radishes, wash them and squeeze the juice, then add proper amount of honey and stir them evenly. Drink them on an empty stomach once a day. This method is suitable for people with gas constipation and abdominal pain.

  9. Amaranth

  The practice of amaranth is to fry vegetables. Eating more amaranth can treat patients with dry constipation. Amaranth can clear away heat. If you are habitually constipated, you can use it to cook porridge.

  10. Lard

  Lard can relieve stool and moisten intestines. In the Compendium of Materia Medica, there are records on the use of lard to treat constipation. First put 100g lard in an enamel cup, then add 100g honey, boil it over low heat, cool it, take 1 tablespoon each time, twice a day, which is very effective for bowel dryness and constipation.

  Treatment of constipation

  1. Drink plenty of water

  This is the most common and convenient method. I have tried this method. I insist on drinking a cup of warm water every morning for more than half a year. For me, the effect is not obvious, because constipation or constipation, but more urine. Maybe my constitution is not suitable. The expert's opinion is that drinking about 500cc warm water before the morning is conducive to diluting stool and promoting gastrointestinal peristalsis.

  2. Knead abdomen

  This method is very convenient and can be used anytime and anywhere. The most important thing is to persevere. I just didn't stick to it. I spent two days fishing and three days basking in the net. Sometimes I rub it twice, but I don't do it when I'm busy. The specific method of kneading the abdomen: empty the urine, drink 500cc of cold water, stand with feet the same width as the shoulder, put the right hand on the abdomen, and put the left hand on the right hand, and rotate clockwise in a circle, about 50 circles. Don't be too strong. It may not work for the time being, but it works well if you persist for a long time.

  3. Eat bananas, pears and other fruits

  Does banana treat constipation? The effect is a little bit. When I am constipated, I have eaten a lot of bananas. I eat them as food. It's diarrhea. I think it's the kind of diarrhea caused by eating bad stomachs. Because bananas are cold food, there must be something wrong with your stomach if you eat too much. This is not a good method. There is also pear after dinner, which is rich in vitamins and has antioxidant function. Eating it is not afraid of growing meat, but also can add enough energy.

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