Dietary Guidelines for Fatty Liver should be improved from these seven points

release time:2022-09-24|reading:

    Fatty liver is also a symptom that seriously affects modern people, but it can be adjusted in terms of diet. So what is good for fatty liver diet? What fatty liver recipes can I learn? Let's have a look!

  Fatty liver diet

  1. Oats are rich in linoleic acid and saponins, which can reduce serum cholesterol and triglyceride.

  2. Corn is rich in calcium, selenium, lecithin, vitamin E, etc., which can reduce serum cholesterol.

  3. Kelp is rich in taurine, which can reduce cholesterol in blood and bile sweat; Food fiber alginic acid can inhibit the absorption of cholesterol and promote its excretion.

  4. Garlic contains sulfide mixture, which can reduce cholesterol in blood, prevent thrombosis, and help increase high-density lipoprotein content.

  5. Apples are rich in potassium, which can expel excess potassium salt from the body and maintain normal blood pressure.

  6. Milk contains more calcium, which can inhibit the activity of cholesterol synthase in human body and reduce the absorption of cholesterol in human body.

  7. The allyl disulfide and thioamino acid contained in onions not only have the bactericidal function, but also can reduce human blood lipids and prevent arteriosclerosis; It can activate the active components of fibrin and effectively prevent the formation of intravascular thrombosis; Prostaglandin A also has a good antihypertensive effect on human body.

  Recipe for treating fatty liver

  1. Stir fried mushroom with celery

  400g celery, 50g shiitake mushroom, appropriate amount of salt, vinegar, dry powder, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and other condiments. It can calm the liver and clear away heat, replenish qi and blood, reduce blood pressure, remove fat, cover blood vessels, diuresis, etc. It can treat headache and dizziness caused by fatty liver and hyperactivity of liver yang.

  2. Shouwu Liver Tablets

  Shouwu liquid 20 ml, fresh pig liver 250 g, water hair fungus 25 g, a little green vegetable leaves, vinegar, salt, soy sauce, appropriate amount, fried in oil. Shouwu tea, 6 grams of Shouwu, is brewed with boiled water as a substitute tea drink until it tastes light, once or twice a day. This prescription can nourish the liver and kidney, benefit blood essence, improve eyesight, reduce blood fat, lower blood pressure, prevent atherosclerosis, etc. It is mainly used to treat hyperlipidemia, fatty liver, coronary heart disease, hypertension, nervous weakness and constipation of the elderly due to physical deficiency.

  3. Sliced Pork with Hawthorn

  200g pig hind legs, 100g hawthorn slices, 30g water chestnuts, 2 egg whites, 15g starch, 15g flour, 30g sugar, 50g vegetable oil, a little refined salt and MSG, proper amount of clear soup, fried with oil. This prescription can nourish yin and spleen, stimulate appetite and digestion. It is contaminated by low cholesterol, hypertension, diuresis, sedation, etc. It can be used for patients with hyperlipidemia, hypertension, coronary heart disease, dyspepsia, fatty liver, etc.

  4. Job's tears porridge

  Use 30g of Job's tears and proper amount of white sugar as the material. Put the coix seed in the casserole, add some water, bring it to a boil over the fire, and then simmer it gently. After the coix seed is ripe and rotten, take the sugar. It can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, lose weight and detumescence, and can be applied to obese fatty liver patients.

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