Can "Mi Zi Cao" Prevent Cervical Spondylosis? be careful! Some people may backfire

release time:2022-09-29|reading:

        Can "Mi Zi Cao" Prevent Cervical Spondylosis? be careful! Some people may even be counterproductive

  "Cervical vertebra discomfort? Try to write meters on your head!"

  For a long time, there are many popular science education articles on the Internet that recommend that we all can do "meter exercises" to exercise the cervical spine and relieve discomfort.

  However, is this health care method of writing with the head or chin as the pen head and the neck as the pen stick really effective in relieving neck discomfort? Probably not!

  Not everyone is suitable to use rice exercise to relieve cervical discomfort, and some patients with diseases may be counterproductive.

  IT workers practicing the "rice movement" may cause their hands and feet to twitch

  If this happens, you must immediately stop doing "meter character practice" and carry out treatment.

  "Mi Zi Cao" cannot be practiced blindly, but should vary from person to person

  Rice word gymnastics is a popular method of neck health care at present.

  In actual operation, the head or chin is used as a pen, and the neck is used as a pen holder to repeatedly write the word "meter".

  When working, if we need to maintain a correct posture for a long time, the cervical vertebra and neck muscles will always be in a tense and stiff state.

  When we practice "Mi Zi Cao", we can stretch the muscles around the neck and improve their tightness and stiffness, so that we can not exercise the cervical spine and relieve fatigue.

  However, the improvement effect of "Mi Zi Cao" on neck discomfort can not be generalized. Improper use of methods is not only unhelpful, but also harmful.

  The "meter shaped movement" includes the flexion and extension, lateral flexion and rotation of the cervical spine, covering the maximum range of our neck activities, including several different complex movements. If you are careless, it is easy to cause cervical spine injury.

  Patients with cervical spondylosis should not blindly rotate the neck

  Healthy people in the neck, such as teenagers and young adults, without obvious intervertebral disc protrusion and bone hyperplasia and degeneration, can carry out "meter word exercise".

  However, it is important not to bend, stretch or rotate too fast or excessively. Generally, the head, neck and shoulder should be light and comfortable. Otherwise, it will increase the abnormality of the intervertebral disc, damage the intervertebral disc and articular cartilage, and strain the muscles.

  Patients with various types of cervical spondylosis should pay special attention to the practice of "Mi Zi Cao", and should not blindly move the neck.

  Patients with cervical disc herniation: When moving the neck, pay attention not to lower your head as much as possible.

  Developmental cervical stenosis: the risk of cervical stenosis is much higher than that of normal people. When moving the neck, be careful not to make the head and back over move.

  Elderly patients with cervical spondylosis: most of them have nerve root canal stenosis.

  In the attack period and remission period, it is not appropriate to do "rice word exercise", especially neck extension.

  Spinal cord compression: no matter whether the disease occurs (limbs weakness, walking like cotton and other clinical symptoms), do not try to rotate, flex and extend the cervical spine to reduce the movement of the cervical spine.

  Excessive flexion, extension and rotation, especially excessive extension, may increase spinal cord stimulation and compression.

  The elderly: There are many cases of hyperosteogeny or arteriosclerosis in the elderly, and stenosis of vertebral artery or internal carotid artery is also common.

  Some elderly people may have vascular plaque in their neck.

  Excessive rotation, flexion and extension of the cervical spine will increase the chance of vascular stimulation.

  Light dizziness may occur, and severe dizziness may increase the risk of stroke.

  Experts suggest that this can be done for daily life health care of cervical vertebra

  The cervical vertebra remains still, and it is easy to feel uncomfortable for a long time.

  At this time, the change of posture, the movement of cervical vertebra and discomfort can be alleviated.

  Therefore, in daily life, the cervical vertebra can be "moved" by looking left and right.

  However, the cervical spine should not be over exercised.

  Excessive shaking will increase the abnormalities of cervical intervertebral discs and muscles, leading to accelerated cervical degeneration, or direct injury.

  When the weather is very cold, an "open shoulder massage" was introduced to keep the cervical spine warm and relax the neck muscles. It is very effective to keep the neck in an uncomfortable position with soreness for a long time.

  First, rub warm hands, then raise one hand, touch the neck back, neck, neck and shoulder joint with the palm, so as to increase the local temperature, which can play a role in eliminating wind and cold.

  Secondly, put your thumb and other four fingers on both sides of your neck, open your elbow joint, and extend it as far back as possible.

  Gently massage the neck with your fingertips until the neck fatigue is relieved.

  Action technique essentials: open the shoulder as far as possible, and alternate left and right hands.

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