What are the key points of health preservation in autumn

release time:2022-09-27|reading:

  We should pay attention to the seasons. Different methods are used in different seasons. It is much cooler in the relatively hot summer in autumn, but many people are not adapted to this environment. Although the temperature has dropped, the heat in the body has not completely disappeared. If you don't take care of your health in ordinary days, it is easy to induce discomfort in the environment of temperature difference between day and night. So what are the key points of health preservation in autumn? This problem must be understood clearly, and help yourself to keep healthy, so as to avoid the attack of disease and reduce the probability of illness.

  What are the key points of health preservation in autumn

  1. Adhere to exercise to enhance immunity

  A lot of colds and other diseases occur in autumn. This is because the temperature difference between morning and night is too big, and some people are greedy for cold and don't dress in time. Especially at night, the air conditioner has been on all the time, and the autumn night has been cooler. I have been blowing the air conditioner all night. If I kick the quilt in the middle of the night, I can easily get cold.

  It is suggested that we should stick to exercise to enhance our physical fitness and immunity at the same time. It is a good way for people to prevent diseases in autumn. It is suggested to choose low intensity sports such as walking, yoga and walking, because proper exercise can be good for the body. If you exercise too much, you will lose a lot of sweat, which is easy to cause the problem of water shortage in your body, and it will be harmful to your health.

  2. Eat and drink correctly

  In summer, the weather is hot and many people can't eat, so they eat less all summer. It causes some people to suffer from malnutrition, anemia and other discomfort, which will damage their health. In autumn, the weather turns cold, and people's appetite is also growing. So at this time, many people take medicine meals to help themselves.

  It is OK to pay attention to the supplement in autumn, but it should be appropriate and not excessive, so as not to cause excess nutrition and induce obesity. At the same time, we should adhere to the principle of light diet, and eat less fried food, which is hot and greasy, easy to get angry after eating, and is not conducive to digestion.

  It is suggested that people should eat more lotus root, honey, Sydney, bananas and other foods after entering autumn. These foods have the function of nourishing yin, clearing dryness, moistening the lungs and promoting fluid production. In autumn, the weather is very dry, and it is easy to hurt saliva and consume liquid. Only by eating these can you keep healthy.

  3. Reduce liver fire in time

  The weather in autumn is relatively dry, and the body and skin will lose a lot of water in a dry environment. In addition, the temperature difference between morning and night is too large, and the body cannot stabilize metabolism, which leads to the physiological dysfunction of the human body and the inability to function normally. A long time will lead to anger. In order to protect the liver, people should find ways to reduce the liver fire.

  There are many ways to reduce liver fire in autumn. For example, eat some balsam pear with cold nature, squeeze it into juice or cut it into pieces and drink it in water. Drinking it directly can help the body quickly absorb the nutrients of balsam pear and reduce liver fire. You can also drink some medlar chrysanthemum tea, prepare a proper amount of medlar and several chrysanthemums, put them into a tea cup, rinse them with clean water several times, and then pour boiling water into the cup to brew and drink. The two kinds of Chinese herbal medicines complement each other. Soak in water and drink together, which can have a very good effect of

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