Four aspects that should be paid attention to when eating traditional Chinese medicine correctly

release time:2023-11-10|reading:

The correct method of taking Chinese medicine is the premise to ensure the curative effect. Xu Dachun, a famous doctor in the Qing Dynasty, said: "Although Fang is ill, it is not particularly reactive, but harmful." Taboo is an important content in the administration method. The so-called taboo is the dietary taboo when taking traditional Chinese medicine.

Compendium of Materia Medica also contains many contraindications for taking medicine, and the 2015 edition of China Pharmacopoeia (Chinese Medicine) records as many as 112 contraindications for taking medicine. To sum up, its contents mainly include the following four aspects:


Food that hinders drug absorption

Oily, thick and stiff food is difficult to digest and hinders drug absorption. No matter what kind of drugs you take, you should avoid it. This is a general rule of taking drugs. "Preface to Notes on Materia Medica Classics" states: "Do not eat too much fat pig, dog meat, fat soup and fish when taking medicine." "A Thousand Daughters' Prescription: Taking Bait" states: "Every bait soup and medicine must be well cooked in porridge, food, meat and vegetables. It is easy to disappear when cooked, which is suitable for medicine; If it is born, it will be difficult to disappear and the drug will be damaged. "

Food that changes the medicinal properties of drugs

Some foods will change the medicinal properties of some drugs and reduce their efficacy. When taking nourishing Chinese medicine, avoid eating cold and greasy food; When taking drugs for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis, avoid eating broad beans, fish and sour and cold foods; When taking warm-interior drugs, it is not advisable to eat cold fruits and vegetables; When taking antipyretic drugs, avoid smoking, wine, onion, ginger, pepper, pepper and other spicy things; When taking dampness-eliminating drugs, avoid eating cold fruits, caramel, glutinous rice, pork, etc.

Food that will aggravate the disease

There is a kind of food called "hair", which is easy to induce certain diseases or aggravate existing diseases. Such as mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, etc., overeating this kind of food is easy to cause the wind to rise yang, triggering chronic diseases such as liver-yang headache and liver-wind dizziness. Seafood is mostly salty and fishy, such as hairtail, yellow croaker, pomfret, mussel, shrimp, crab and other aquatic products, which are easy to induce allergic diseases, such as asthma and urticaria.

Hair is easy to cause fever, sores, excessive internal heat, wind, phlegm, flatulence and chronic diseases. Common hair products include mutton, pig's trotters, goose, beef, seafood, coriander and leek. Treat skin sores and swelling, and fast hair.

Foods that cause other diseases after being used together with drugs.

Some foods and drugs used together can lead to other pathological changes or adverse consequences. For example, the "East Medical Treasures" contains: "Taking Radix Rehmanniae and Radix Polygoni Multiflori, people who eat radishes consume blood, which makes people hair early white." It means that when taking Radix Rehmanniae and Radix Polygoni Multiflori, eating radish will consume blood and make people's hair gray early.


In short, the treatment of TCM can not be separated from syndrome differentiation, and the taboo can not be ignored. If the disease belongs to cold syndrome, the symptoms are deficiency and cold constitution, thin stool, stomachache and fever, chills in limbs, etc., foods that are cold and cold should be avoided, such as watermelon, Sydney and banana. People with red face, fever, hemorrhoid bleeding, upset and insomnia due to heat syndrome should not eat ginger, pepper, garlic, fried food, etc.

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