More than fat! Study: Bread and sugar, etc. can cause insomnia in older women

release time:2023-09-11|reading:

Sugar and refined carbohydrates, such as white bread, are a major cause of insomnia in older women, and older women who regularly eat these foods are more likely to have insomnia.

According to reports, researchers at Columbia University and other institutions in the United States used three years to track the diet and sleep of more than 50,000 women in their 60s.

The results showed that at the start of the study, women with the highest dietary glycemic index reported insomnia at a 11% higher rate compared to women with the lowest dietary glycemic index. At the end of the three-year follow-up period, women with the highest dietary glycemic index also had a 16% higher rate of new insomnia than women with the lowest dietary glycemic index.

Researchers analyzed that when blood sugar rises rapidly, the body responds by releasing insulin, and the resulting drop in blood sugar causes the body to release hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which interfere with sleep.

The researchers note that this study shows the importance of diet for people with insomnia. In addition to controlling weight, avoiding insomnia is also a reason not to eat refined carbohydrates like sweets.

In addition, studies have found that women who often eat a lot of fiber-rich foods such as vegetables and fruits, rather than drinking fruit juice, have less insomnia.

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