Medication and care for mouth ulcers

release time:2023-09-04|reading:

The treatment of diseases should identify the cause and use symptomatic drugs to obtain good efficacy.

Factors for the pathogenesis of mouth ulcers

At present, the etiology and pathogenesis of oral ulcers are still unclear, and there is a lack of laboratory indicators that can be used as a basis for diagnosis. From the point of view of modern medicine, there is no direct connection between canker sores and "fire".

Poor oral hygiene

Brushing teeth incompletely in the morning and evening or not rinsing your mouth after meals can easily cause food residues and germs to remain in the mouth and induce inflammation.

Accidental injuries, the use of rough toothbrushes or cutlery, excessive force when brushing teeth, and accidental bites to the oral mucosa can all be triggers for mouth sores.

Stressful spirit

Persistent mental tension, work pressure, irritability, lack of sleep, etc. for a period of time can lead to endocrine or immune dysfunction and easily induce mouth ulcers.

Vitamin deficiency

When the body lacks B vitamins, especially vitamin B2, the oral mucosa is prone to ulcers.

Improper diet

Excessive intake of spicy and irritating foods can easily lead to chronic gastritis, gastric ulcers, enteritis, constipation and other digestive diseases, which in turn induce symptoms of mouth ulcers.

Disease affect

Patients with Behcet's disease and oral cancer are also prone to oral ulcers, and clinical diagnosis is needed to be clear and the cause is treated.

Canker sores are recurrent, recurrent, and self-limited. Recurrent means that the condition can recur; Periodicness means that it will recur after a period of healing, and the length of the interval varies from person to person; Self-limitation means that after the disease occurs and develops to a certain extent, the patient's own regulation can control the development of the disease, and gradually recover and heal.

Drug treatment of mouth sores 

Drugs for the treatment of mouth ulcers are mainly divided into two categories: topical drugs and systemic drugs.

Topical medications

Commonly used clinical drugs mainly include mouthwashes and external dressings.


Such as 1: 5000 furacilin liquid, 3% boric acid liquid, 3% sodium bicarbonate solution (commonly known as baking soda), 1% hydrogen peroxide, normal saline, etc., oral gargling, 3 times a day, 1~3 minutes each time.

●External compresses 

Such as mouth ulcer film, gel, cheek tablets and some powders, such drugs generally have the effect of eliminating inflammation, reducing swelling and relieving pain, and promoting ulcer healing. Topical medication is done by first washing the mouth with mouthwash, followed by a gentle wipe or film with a clean cotton swab. After application, cover the ulcer surface with fresh egg lining, which is more conducive to exerting the medicinal effect and promoting the healing of the ulcer surface.

In addition, some proprietary Chinese medicines can also be used topically to relieve the symptoms of mouth sores. For example, take 30 pieces of Liushen Pill and crush it into powder, add 2ml of cold boiled water to soak into a thin paste, clean the mouth and apply it to the ulcer surface with a slender cotton swab dipped in Liushen Pill liquid; Or use Yunnan baiyao to apply mouth ulcer wounds, 2 times a day, generally 2~3 days can be cured.

Systemic medication

The main treatment principle is to treat the cause, reduce recurrence, and strive for relief of symptoms, and the available drugs mainly include the following four.


Only for patients with autoimmune diseases, prednisone 5 mg / tablet (or dexamethasone 0.75 mg / tablet), 3~4 times a day, 1 tablet each time. Generally, the treatment is 5 days, and the dose is reduced to 5~10 mg per day after the patient's condition is controlled. The total course of treatment is generally 7~10 days, if the patient needs a long course of treatment, in order to prevent the spread of infection, antibacterial drugs should be added clinically. If the patient is accompanied by gastric ulcer, diabetes, active tuberculosis and other diseases, glucocorticoids should be contraindicated or used with caution.


In female patients, if the onset of oral ulcers is related to the menstrual cycle, estrogen can be used with caution according to the situation. For example, Neilestradiol 5 mg, once a month, after the symptoms improve to 2 mg, once a month.

●B vitamins

These drugs maintain normal metabolic function and promote lesion healing. It is recommended to give vitamin B2 tablets at the time of ulcer attack, 1~2 tablets each time, 3 times a day; or B complex vitamin 2 tablets 3 times daily.


This class of drugs is a riboflavin derivative, rich in a variety of vitamins, amino acids, trace elements and coenzymes required by the human body, which has a certain therapeutic effect on the symptoms of mouth ulcers in patients with gastrointestinal diseases. It is recommended to use 1 gram each time, 3 times a day.

Key points of care for mouth sores

First of all, it is recommended that patients with mouth ulcers eat less spicy and irritating food, quit smoking and alcohol, pay attention to a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, and eat semi-liquid food during the attack of mouth ulcers. If the patient cannot eat due to painful mouth ulcers, gargle with 2% lidocaine or a small amount of local spray with 1% dicaine after the doctor's evaluation to relieve the difficulty of eating caused by mouth ulcer pain.

Secondly, patients in the onset of mouth ulcers should rinse their mouths with normal saline or drug mouthwash in time after each meal to prevent food debris from aggravating the condition or causing infection.

Finally, it is recommended that patients with mouth ulcers actively adjust their psychological state and daily routine, maintain a comfortable mood, ensure adequate sleep, moderate exercise, and avoid excessive fatigue.

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