Alternate spring and summer, gastrointestinal disease! Daily do this 3 points, anti-virus, gastrointestinal protection!

release time:2023-05-09|reading:

The gut is our“Second Brain,” where 95% of the happiness hormones are made, so to control our health and happiness, we need to control our gastrointestinal tract, however, more than 90% of Chinese have intestinal problems. So, is norovirus scary? Spring and summer alternate seasons, how to protect the stomach?

 01 norovirus causes diarrhea and vomiting. Children are susceptible to norovirus, which is a kind of gastrointestinal virus. The symptoms of norovirus infection are usually characterized by diarrhea and vomiting. The gastrointestinal tract of children is usually delicate and susceptible to norovirus infection. Healthy children have a relatively low rate of infection.

02 prevention of Norovirus infection to do a good job 3.1 children need timely clothing to increase or decrease to prevent norovirus infection, the temperature has increased, but children's clothing can not be reduced too quickly. When the children exercise or feel the need to reduce clothing when the heat, when the cold should be added in time to avoid cold clothes. 

2 should not eat too full the old saying often says: “If you want children Ann, three hunger and cold.”. When children overeat, their body functions will be in a“Lazy state”, and their gastrointestinal tract will be damaged. When a child is three times as hungry, his or her body functions better. Food does not need to be too fine some parents for the health of their children, often give children to eat fine food. But in fact, children's gastrointestinal tract also need appropriate“Exercise.”. When the human body for a long time without contact with viruses, bacteria, the body's defense mechanism will therefore decline.

03 gastrointestinal tract and general health is closely related to daily nutrition to multiple parents need to pay attention to children's diet nutrition, focus on increasing vitamin and protein intake. Some parents prepare breakfast for their children is often a staple food, protein-related only one egg. But for growing children, an egg can not meet their needs for protein, it is recommended to add a glass of milk or fried a piece of fish, shrimp and so on. Children who just get up in the morning often have a poor appetite, and a combination of meat and vegetables and a variety of foods can help to appease them. If breakfast remains the same, and the child's appetite is poor, he does not want to eat breakfast, over time, the child's gastrointestinal tract will be damaged. When the child's gastrointestinal tract is damaged, it will affect its digestion and absorption function, at this time to its additional nutrition conditioning gastrointestinal, the effect will be greatly compromised. Therefore, daily regulation of the gastrointestinal tract for children's health is of great significance, parents need to pay attention to. Adults can also be infected with norovirus, the symptoms are often less obvious norovirus predilection in children, but this does not mean that adults will not be affected by the virus. Children's organs are more delicate, weaker immune function, so vulnerable to norovirus damage, higher incidence, more obvious symptoms. But the adult immunity function is good, after receives the norovirus infection is not easy to display the symptom.

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