What is influenza and how to prevent it

release time:2023-04-08|reading:

Influenza is an acute respiratory infectious disease caused by influenza virus.

Main clinical manifestations:

Acute high fever, muscle pain, headache, discomfort, dry cough, sore throat, rhinitis, etc.

The source of infection is influenza patients and latent carriers, with air and droplets as the main transmission routes. The incubation period of influenza in the general population is generally 1-2 days, with typical symptoms including acute attacks, fever, headache, systemic soreness, fatigue, and other systemic symptoms. Respiratory symptoms are mild, and the influenza virus has the strongest infectivity in the early stages of onset, with a transmission period of 5-7 days.

Influenza characteristics

① Influenza viruses are prone to mutation, with small mutations causing minor epidemics and large mutations causing pandemics, exhibiting periodic changes;

② Epidemics often occur within households, schools, institutions, and other units;

③ Influenza epidemics generally occur first in urban areas and then in rural areas, spreading along transportation routes.

preventive measure

We should exercise more to enhance our resistance.

2. Develop good hygiene habits, wash hands thoroughly with soap or hand sanitizer before meals, after urination, and when going out;

3. According to different weather changes, add or remove clothes in a timely manner.

4. Open windows frequently and maintain natural ventilation for no less than 2 hours per day.

5. When exposed to sunlight, the bedding should be exposed to sunlight for about 2 hours to have a bactericidal effect, at least once a week.

6. Pay attention to a balanced diet every day, eat nutritious and easily digestible foods, drink plenty of plain water, and eat some fruits in moderation.

Regular exercise, sufficient rest, relaxation to reduce stress.

7. Ensure sufficient sleep.

8. Wear a mask in public places.

9. Frequently used items in public places should be regularly soaked and wiped with disinfectant for disinfection.

10. If necessary, inject a "flu" vaccine to enhance one's own immunity.

11. When sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth and nose to avoid cross infection.

If you feel unwell, seek medical attention as soon as possible and proactively inform the doctor that you have had close contact with similar patients.

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