The Lantern Festival is here! Keep this health care strategy

release time:2023-02-04|reading:

  The Lantern Festival, also known as the Shangyuan Festival, the Little New Moon or the Lantern Festival, is one of the traditional festivals in China. The Lantern Festival has the custom of eating dumplings to pray for family reunion. The Lantern Festival comes after the beginning of the Spring Festival. When it is warm or cold, it is also important to keep healthy.

  1、 Eating Tangyuan healthily: five unfavorable

  1. Not suitable for breakfast

  People's gastrointestinal function is the weakest when they get up in the morning. Tangyuan is a high-calorie and high-sugar food, and it is also lack of nutrients. It is easy to indigestion, pantothenic acid, heartburn and other conditions, affecting the work and life of the day. It can be eaten at nine or ten o'clock in the morning or at tea time in the afternoon.

  2. Not fried

  There are many ways to eat Yuanxiao, such as boiling, steaming and frying. Because fried Yuanxiao is very crisp, many people like to eat fried. However, the Lantern Festival itself contains solid fat. After frying, the proportion of fat in the Lantern Festival will be higher, which is a huge hazard to people with pancreatic and gallbladder diseases. Therefore, fried Lantern Festival is not suitable for eating.

  3. Do not eat with meat or acidic food

  Because the stuffing of the Lantern Festival is mainly made of sugar and fruit, and a lot of vegetable oil or animal oil is added in the process of making, it contains high heat.

  When eating the Lantern Festival, you can properly eat some fruits and vegetables with relatively rich vitamin content to balance the nutrition. Some acidic food and meat are not suitable for eating with the Lantern Festival.

  4. It should not be too hot or too urgent

  You should also pay attention not to be too hot when eating the Lantern Festival, nor to eat it in large gulps, or you may burn the mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus. Medical research has confirmed that food burns are likely to cause esophageal cancer, stomach cancer and other related diseases. When eating the Lantern Festival, it can be divided into small pieces. Chewing carefully is conducive to digestion.

  5. Not suitable for people

  The main ingredient of the Lantern Festival is glutinous rice, which is difficult to digest, especially for infants and elderly with weak digestive function. At the same time, the stuffing of Yuanxiao may contain a lot of fat and sugar, and patients with diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia and gout should not be greedy.

   Health preservation of ancient books:

  1. It is recommended to go to bed early and get up early

  The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine says, "In the third month of spring, this is called Fa Chen. The heaven and earth are born, and all things are proud of each other. Lie down and rise early at night, walk widely in the court, and wear hair slowly to make Zhisheng." It means that all things recover in spring, and should go to bed early and rise early, and walk slowly, which can make you happy and healthy.

  2. Recommend to recuperate

  In spring, it is a good time to nourish the liver. Spring qi passes through the liver, which is happy to regulate and relieve, and hates depression. That is to say, in spring, you should pay attention to your spirit, so as to achieve the function of nourishing the liver, which has a good effect on recuperating the body and mind and promoting physical health. If you want to cultivate your spirit, you should be less angry, less worried, less worried, less jealous, etc., and calm down and cultivate your mind. Only in this way can you make your liver-qi smooth, benefit your body and mind, and lay a good foundation for your health.

  3. It is recommended to cover the cold in spring

  Because the weather is changeable at this time, it is easy to have the phenomenon of "late spring cold". When the weather picks up, the skin pores will begin to expand. If the wind blows, cold air will easily enter the body through the pores, which is easy to cause people to catch cold. Therefore, it is necessary to continue to cover the clothes in spring and do not reduce clothes too early. Spring cover should also pay attention to the method, wear more on the lower body, and reduce the jacket appropriately.

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