Do you know 10 tips for winter health

release time:2022-11-29|reading:

  Winter is the season of warming and nourishing health. You should not ignore your body in winter. Instead, you should actively maintain health, so that your body will get better and better.

  1. Diet should nourish yin and moisten lung

  Harvest in autumn and hide in winter. When winter comes, people's appetite is generally enhanced. At this time, you must remember to control your mouth to avoid hurting your stomach and intestines. Diet should be based on the basic principle of "nourishing yin and moistening lung". In addition, it should also "reduce pungency and increase acid". Eating more walnuts, sesame, honey, etc. can play a role in nourishing yin and moistening lung; Eat less pungent food such as onions, ginger, garlic and chilli. The elderly with weak stomach can drink porridge in the morning to benefit their stomach and stimulate saliva.

  2. Make up for the needs scientifically in winter

  Winter tonic is a health preservation method that has been popular for thousands of years in China. After the consumption of summer heat, winter tonic can well nourish the loss of the body, and has a good storage effect for the consumption of the next year, making the human body more healthy. However, the autumn and winter tonic can not be carried out casually. It must be carried out according to the actual situation of your body. It is mainly for some patients with qi deficiency and blood deficiency, and the methods of tonic are different for different weak reasons.

  In winter, in order to make the intestines and stomach have a process of adaptation, it is best to do the guiding tonic first, which means to lay a foundation. Generally speaking, you can first choose stewed beef and dates, peanut kernels and brown sugar, or boil some ginger and jujube beef soup to eat, to adjust the function of the spleen and stomach. Winter should be warm and nourishing. Eat less raw and cold food, but it should not be hot and dry. It is better to eat some targeted meals that can nourish yin and suppress yang. It is better to eat more calories. At the same time, eat more fresh vegetables to avoid the lack of vitamins.

  3. The colder, the more water you need

  People stay in warm rooms and rarely go out for activities, but this does not mean that the water consumed by the human body will be reduced. In winter, the climate is dry and the air humidity is low, so water should be added. If you drink less water, the blood consistency will be high, which will easily lead to thrombosis and other symptoms, leading to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. Drinking more water in winter can also speed up metabolism and resist cold.

  4. Sleeping before eleven o'clock is the most effective tonic

  The simplest, cheapest and best tonic is to go to bed early, no later than 11:00 every day. Experts emphasize that night is to the human body what winter is to nature. Nature sleeps in winter, and people also sleep at night. It is midnight at night, that is, the winter of the human body. Only when you sleep can the yang be hidden into the body, and when you wake up, the yang floats outside. When you sleep, the yin, essence, qi, blood, and yang of the human body are replenished.

  5. Exercise moderately and exercise more

  It is unwise for many people to give up sports because they are afraid of cold in winter. In fact, exercise is the best way to expel cold. Fat is converted into heat during exercise, which can help you maintain your temperature, improve blood pressure circulation and relieve cold hands and feet. At the same time, strengthening exercise can also enhance immunity and resistance, which can help you stay away from cold and disease. Be sure to warm up before exercising. After jogging to make your body sweat slightly, you can do high-intensity fitness exercises. Wear warm clothes to prevent colds during exercise. Wear clothes in time after exercise to avoid catching cold.

  If the outdoor air is cold and inconvenient to exercise, doing housework is also a good way to exercise. As long as the stairs are up, it takes only 7 minutes to consume 100 calories and exercise the heart and lung function. It takes only 14 minutes to go down the stairs and consume 100 calories. It takes only 20 minutes to mop the floor, which can consume 100 calories. It doesn't take much time to sweep the floor. Only 25 minutes can consume 100 calories.

  6. Keep the neck, back, abdomen and feet warm

  These parts are easy to cause people to get sick in winter. If the neck gets cold, headache and neck ache may occur; If you get cold on your back, for example, people who are still sleeping on the mat will sneeze, stuffy nose and even catch a cold when they get up in the morning.

  Keeping the abdomen warm is the key protection work for girls. To avoid dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation, cold and discomfort, warm abdomen is the key; Finally, there are multiple acupuncture points on the foot, which will lead to conditioned reflex and various problems in the body once the cold is uncomfortable.

  7. Moisturize and prevent dryness in winter bath

  There are four taboos for bathing in winter: avoid washing too frequently, too hot water, too heavy rubbing, and too alkaline soap. Otherwise, it is very easy to destroy the sebum on the skin surface, making the skin more dry, and thus more prone to itching and cracking. After bathing, you can apply some licorice oil, anti itching cream, skin cream, etc. to keep the skin moist and prevent the skin surface from drying and falling off.

  8. Open the window for ventilation and keep the indoor air fresh

  In cold winter, people often close the doors and windows tightly, which makes the room full of carbon dioxide and waste gas, which is very harmful to people's health. Therefore, even in the extremely cold winter months, windows should be opened regularly so as to emit carbon dioxide and waste gas and increase the oxygen concentration. At the same time, let the sun shine in and increase the content of negative ions in the room to keep the indoor air fresh.

  9. Wear softly and pay attention to the clothes

  There are many clothes to wear in winter. If you don't pay attention to them, you will feel skin itching more easily. This is due to the constant friction between the body and clothes, clothes and clothes to generate static electricity, which irritates the skin. Therefore, in winter, clothes that are not easy to generate static electricity, such as pure cotton and silk, should be used as underwear, underpants and shirts as much as possible.

  At the same time, pay attention to clothes matching. When wearing a polyester shirt, do not wear an acrylic sweater. If you wear synthetic fiber clothes inside, you should not wear an insulating polyester coat outside to prevent static electricity.

  10. Sun your back more, invigorate your yang and regulate your mood

  Winter is the season when everything is silent, so when seeing everything begin to be depressed in this season, people will inevitably feel sad. Then it breeds sentimental and melancholy emotions. In fact, this has something to do with the lack of sunshine. In winter, Chinese medicine advocates "drying the back" to maintain health. The back is the most important gathering place of the seven channels for transportation and management of yang qi. You often sit with your back to the sun, so that the sun can warm your back slightly. Yang qi will be absorbed into the body through the back acupuncture points, and then transported to all parts of the body. When you feel comfortable when you are exposed to the sun, it is the expression of sufficient yang in your body and smooth channels. When the yang is replenished, we can enjoy life with vigor.

  The sunshine mood in winter is very important. We should cultivate our optimism, make ourselves happy, go out more and enjoy the alternative feeling that winter brings us. In the face of year-end assessment and other workplace challenges, people feel stressed. Health experts remind that when encountering unpleasant things, you should actively adjust your mood. It can also be disclosed through appropriate ways such as talking, singing, rational argument, etc. to maintain a peaceful mind.

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