How to keep healthy in late autumn and early winter?

release time:2022-11-10|reading:

  Now the temperature is getting lower and lower. In late autumn, people are vulnerable to the invasion of damp evil, cold evil and dry heat, which can easily lead to various discomfort in the body. This is a good time to nourish your body. Adjust your body according to nature, but do not over nourish your body.

  What should we pay attention to in late autumn?

  1. Moisture proof

  Bubble feet with hot water every night. You can also add a proper amount of ginger or pepper powder into the hot water. The water temperature can be controlled at about 45 ℃, which can make the whole body's qi and blood more circulating, so that the limbs can be supplied with blood, achieving the effect of disease prevention, health care and body warming. Keep the back warm, because the back is the main part of the bladder meridian and the Du meridian. You can warm the back by moxibustion or massage to improve yang. For people suffering from chronic bronchitis and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, it is not allowed to exercise in the morning, or the cold evil will invade the body and cause asthma or aggravate the disease. After the sun comes out, they can go out for exercise. In late autumn, they can sleep in.

  2. Prevent dryness

  To maintain the humidity of indoor air, a basin of water or a humidifier can be placed in the room to prevent the body from catching fire and causing oral ulcer or dry stool. Once autumn dryness invades the body, it will accelerate the loss of water, make the blood more viscous, and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease. In late autumn, you can eat more foods such as white radish, black fungus, tofu or Chinese cabbage, which have the effect of clearing fire and moistening. In addition, we should also eat more black foods such as black sesame, black fungus, black beans or black rice, which can not only replenish kidney qi, but also moisten the lungs and stimulate fluid, helping to resist the cold.

  3. Cold proof

  In late autumn, if you go out early in the morning and night, you should keep your body warm and try to wear a scarf or hat to prevent the wind and cold from invading. Because the elderly cannot better adapt to the stimulation of cold, which increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, they should keep their bodies warm. Drinking a cup of warm water every morning can dilute the sticky blood and promote the gastrointestinal tract. 4. Sleep more and drink more water

  At least 8 hours of sleep should be guaranteed every day. Take more physical exercise to enhance the cold resistance and help improve immunity. Drinking plenty of water can alleviate dry skin and dry stool. White radish water can clear away heat and promote diuresis, and honey water can moisten dryness. In addition, you can also drink more radish porridge or jujube porridge, which can achieve the effect of digestion, phlegm elimination, and qi and yin nourishing.


  Proper sunshine every day can help the body to synthesize vitamin d3. You can also eat more black foods, such as black rice and black beans, which can not only quickly replenish heat for the body, but also prevent colds, achieve the effect of purging internal fire and help reduce cholesterol.

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