Public service information of direct settlement for trans provincial medical treatment of national medical security

release time:2022-11-04|reading:

  In September 2022. 86.9% of the overall planning areas (344) in the country have started the cross provincial direct settlement of the treatment costs related to chronic and special diseases in five outpatient clinics, including hypertension, diabetes, cancer outpatient chemotherapy, uremia dialysis, and anti rejection treatment after organ transplantation. The coverage of cross provincial direct settlement of outpatient costs has further expanded.

  1、 The direct settlement of inpatient expenses across provinces is stable

  By the end of September 2022. the number of designated medical institutions directly settling hospitalization expenses across provinces across the country is 61000. From January to September, 4.238 million person times of nationwide hospitalization expenses were directly settled across provinces, involving 95.228 billion yuan of medical expenses. 56.116 billion yuan was paid from the fund, accounting for 58.9% of the total. In September, 576000 person times of nationwide hospitalization expenses were directly settled across provinces, involving 13.043 billion yuan of medical expenses, 7.899 billion yuan of fund payments, 7.5%, 7.6% and 5.9% lower than the previous month, respectively, and 60.6% of fund payments; The daily average direct settlement is 19200 person times, the average medical expense per time is 22600 yuan, and the average fund payment per time is 13700 yuan.

  2、 Significant achievements have been made in the direct settlement of outpatient expenses across provinces

  By the end of September 2022. there were 76100 designated medical institutions and 210200 designated retail pharmacies that directly settled outpatient fees across provinces. From January to September, 20.6268 million person times of outpatient expenses were directly settled across provinces, involving 4.967 billion yuan of medical expenses. 2.965 billion yuan was paid from the fund, with the fund payment ratio of 59.7%. In September, 3.3768 million person times of outpatient expenses were directly settled across provinces, involving 828 million yuan of medical expenses, 490 million yuan of fund payments, up 5.3%, 7.7% and 9.1% month on month respectively, and 59.2% of fund payments; The daily average direct settlement is 112600 person times, the average medical expense per time is 245.23 yuan, and the average fund payment per time is 145.12 yuan.

  3、 Further expansion of query functions related to off-site medical treatment settlement of the national medical insurance service platform APP

  In order to facilitate the insured to directly settle the treatment costs related to five kinds of chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics across provinces and other places, the national medical insurance service platform APP has added query functions such as interprovincial notification of chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics. The insured can download the national medical insurance service platform APP, click the "off-site filing" column, and learn about their own qualification for chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics and the policies and procedures for cross provincial direct settlement of costs related to chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics of the insured areas through the query function of "notice of chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics" and "qualification of chronic and special diseases in outpatient clinics" in the sub column of "more queries for off-site medical services". At present, the direct settlement of the treatment costs related to five kinds of chronic and special diseases in different provinces and places is still in the pilot stage. If there are problems in the settlement process, the insured can consult the local service hotline.

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