What are the symptoms of menopause? How to do health care for women during menopause

release time:2022-11-01|reading:

Menopause is a period that all women will experience. If we do not learn to recuperate during the menopause, there will be many uncomfortable symptoms. What are the specific symptoms? Menopause can not control emotions, which will bring harm to the body. We need to learn some conditioning methods. Some food is good for menopause. What can you eat to have a conditioning effect?

What are the symptoms of menopause

1. Menstrual disorder

If a female friend has a physiological problem, it will first be reflected in her menstruation. Menopause is the same disease. When the menopause is coming, the amount of her menstruation will increase or decrease greatly according to her physical condition. At the end of her menstruation, some people may also have bleeding symptoms.

2. Easily edematous

When women officially enter the menopause, their metabolism will be affected to a certain extent, and the water metabolism of the human body will also be reduced. Therefore, when they get up in the morning, they will find that they will have edema symptoms. Women in adulthood cannot drink too much water at night, which will not only aggravate the edema symptoms.

3. Dry and peeling skin

When the menopause comes, the endocrine system in the human body may be out of balance, especially the level of estrogen will be significantly reduced. Once the body lacks such stimulation, it will lead to the symptoms of water shortage, which will be reflected on our skin at this time. This is how dry skin appears, and severe skin peeling may occur.

4. It's easy to have stomachaches at night

Before menopause, women's ovarian function will gradually decline, and their bodies will have some uncomfortable symptoms. They often have stomachaches and sweats at night, which also leads to poor sleep quality at night.

5. The body is prone to sweating and fever

The reason why women before menopause sweat and get hot is due to the disorder of hormone secretion in their bodies. After menopause, women will gradually usher in amenorrhea, and the level of estrogen will continue to decline, which determines that women will have endocrine disorders. Therefore, women will easily sweat and get hot at night during menopause.

Women should strengthen physical exercise during menopause

1. It is to advocate rope skipping. When people jump the rope, their whole body will be active, and their brain must also be fully and constantly moving. Holding the rope head and constantly rotating it will stimulate the acupoints of the thumb to act on the brain, and further increase the vitality of brain cells, so as to improve their thinking and imagination.

2. Long distance running is advocated. Long distance running can produce a lot of catecholamines, which can strengthen the excitement process of cerebral cortex, improve people's sensitivity to stimulation, make people happy, feel good about themselves, and increase appetite. Because the catecholamine secretion of menopausal women suffering from mental depression is very low, it is suggested that these people use long-distance running to directly treat mental depression. Running is better than drugs in controlling neurasthenia.

Keep a good mood

It is believed that women know that the maintenance of menopause can not be separated from good psychology and happy emotions. Although there are always some things in life that can cause them to have bad emotions involuntarily, through the guidance of doctors or friends, such emotions will soon be resolved, so that they can get better mediation during menopause.

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