"Three bamboo shoots" can prevent liver disease

release time:2022-02-19|reading:

      The incidence of liver disease is closely related to people's diet.

  Prevention of liver disease should start with diet.

  Which foods in life can prevent liver disease?

  Today, Bian Xiao recommended three common foods - three bamboo shoots, namely bamboo shoots, lettuce and asparagus, which can reduce the incidence of liver disease and taste delicious.

药食同源 常食“三笋”可预防肝病

  Asparagus: reduce fatigue

  Asparagus contains nucleic acid, folic acid, glutathione, choline, arginine, mannan, peptidase rutin, etc., which can effectively inhibit the growth of cell cancer cells.

  Asparagus can also be used as a dietary nutrient for patients with liver cancer, which can reduce fatigue and improve appetite.

  [Recommended dietary therapy] Boil fresh asparagus after cold, in the morning or before going to bed;

  Or 5~10g asparagus root every day, fried tea, 3 months a course of treatment, without interruption.

  In addition, in order to prevent liver cancer, in addition to three kinds of bamboo shoots, dairy products and fruits, it can also prevent liver cancer and reduce the incidence of liver cancer.

  Proper coffee drinking can also help prevent liver cancer.

  Bamboo shoots: defecate and detoxify

  In addition, the intestinal Escherichia coli can synthesize vitamins needed by the human body from bamboo shoot cellulose, and can be discharged out of the body together with the compound waste that cannot be absorbed through the synthesis of bile acid, the metabolite of cholesterol in the intestine.

  [Dietary suggestions] Use 60g of mushroom and hericium erinaceus respectively, 200g of lean meat or black bone chicken respectively, and then add 600g of bamboo shoots to cut them into slices. Fry them in vegetable oil or boil them over low heat. Eating them often can prevent gastrointestinal tumors and liver cancer. Those with severe stomach bleeding and esophageal varices should be careful to eat bamboo shoots.

  Lettuce: increase appetite and prevent anemia

  Lettuce leaves are rich in calcium, carotene and vitamin c. stinky lettuce leaves can promote the secretion of gastric juice, digestive enzymes and bile.

  People with liver cirrhosis often eat lettuce, which can promote the secretion of organic acids and enzymes, increase the absorption of iron, help the rise and recovery of platelets, and prevent deterioration.

  [Recommended food therapy] The lettuce is peeled, sliced and fried, crisp and delicious.

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