Food therapy for beauty and anti-aging

release time:2022-02-21|reading:

       Take care of yourself. First, choose the right food.

  This is especially true for women.

  On the occasion of Women's Day, food is recommended to nourish women's lives.

  May these "food stars" make all women healthy and beautiful from the inside out and bloom like flowers.

  The ancients used to describe a woman's beauty by saying that her face was like a peach blossom. The lustre of her face reflected her internal influence on the richness of life.


  A good looking woman can have a refined temperament even if she doesn't make up. The beauty from the inside to the outside will make her develop and bloom like a flower for a long time.


  Red dates are one of the best foods to replenish blood since ancient times.

  It is warm and sweet, with the function of improving spleen and blood. Long term consumption can make the face ruddy and beautiful.

  Red dates can be made into porridge, cake, soup, tea, etc.

  3-5 It is appropriate to eat, not more than 10. Women with high blood sugar and constipation should eat less.

  [Longan and medlar]

  Longan is a good fruit to nourish blood and heart, and spring is also a good time to nourish blood and body.

  Put 2-5 sweet scented osmanthus flowers and rice together, and cook them for a few minutes on low heat. Long term consumption can make women full of blood and radiance.

  Lycium barbarum can also be very nutritious. 5-8 Lycium barbarum with hot tea can nourish the liver, resist aging and wrinkle.

  [Animal liver]

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that spring is the right time to nourish the liver. It is difficult to nourish the liver when you look bad.

  Animal liver is rich in iron, which is one of the ideal blood tonic foods.

  It can be pickled, fried, or used in soup. It is recommended to eat with green vegetables.

  Young women can eat 2-3 times a week, 10 - 30 grams each time. Women over 50 years old should eat less.

  Breasts are a woman's unique wealth, not only the source of a woman's charm, but also the source of rich contributions to the cultivation of the next generation.

  From puberty, women should pay attention to breast care, and after the age of 30. they should always pay attention to breast health.

  [Soybean milk]

  Soybean isoflavones in soybean milk can protect breast by regulating estrogen level.

  Drinking a cup of soy milk every day will be very positive and beneficial to the healthy development of breast.


  Mushrooms contain essential amino acids, selenium and rich vitamin D, which can enhance human immunity and protect breast health.

  [Sweet Potato]

  Sweet potato is a super anti-cancer food, which contains a special ingredient that can prevent cancer and delay aging.

  This ingredient is particularly effective in preventing breast and colon cancer.

  Anti aging is the lesson of a woman's life. When wrinkles and spots appear on her face, the loss of elasticity of her skin will make the originally beautiful woman dull.

  Many people are used to using expensive skin care products to reduce the traces of time carving. In fact, eating some anti-aging food can better resist the erosion of the years from inside to outside and keep young forever.


  Selenium in onion is a strong antioxidant, which can eliminate free radicals in the body, enhance cell vitality and metabolism.

  Fried agaric with onions and onion salad with eggs are good anti-aging food.


  Apple ranks among the healthy fruits selected by Americans.

  It is a natural beauty product by keeping its skin shiny.

  For women who often stay in the office, it is helpful to slow down the pace of aging by having a Chinese Apple every afternoon.


  Mature tomatoes are rich in lycopene, which is a strong oxidant and can help people delay aging and prevent cancer.

  Lycopene is a fat soluble substance, which is more easily absorbed when heated by oil.

  Tomato scrambled eggs and tomato soup are good choices. But tomatoes should not be heated too long, but not more than 30 minutes.

  [Walnut kernel]

  Walnut can be called "Longevity Fruit". It can nourish the kidney, brain, Qi, skin and hair.

  Eating 1-2 whole nuts every day can supplement your hair and the nutrients you need, and promote the growth and health of your hair.


  Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, which can fully nourish hair follicles.

  It is more appropriate for children to eat two and adults to eat one every day.


  Laver can moisturize your hair.

  Porphyra contains protein, minerals, iodine, vitamin B2. B6. etc., which can make hair black.

  Add some seaweed to make soup, and you will get black hair unconsciously.

  A good night's sleep will make you look and feel better.

  Adequate sleep is particularly important for women, especially after menopause.


  Bananas are rich in magnesium, which can effectively relax the body and relieve insomnia.

  Eating a banana before going to bed can help you sleep, but you must buy one that is ripe, and you cannot eat it on an empty stomach.

  Lotus Seed

  Lotus seeds can calm the nerves and replenish vital energy. One or two lotus seeds can help you sleep well when you are cooking soup or making tea.

  The lotus core can clear the heart and fire. It needs to be removed only when eaten in large quantities.

  [Millet Congee]

  Millet is rich in tryptophan, which promotes the brain to secrete sleepiness neurotransmitters.

  Drinking a bowl of millet porridge for dinner can even replace sleeping pills.

  Concave convex makes the slender jade body not only charming, but also helps women get rid of many diseases.

  In addition to exercise, lean foods also help control weight.

  [Wax gourd]

  Wax gourd not only has zero fat content, but also contains propanedioic acid, which can effectively prevent women from getting fat.

  It is also rich in vitamins and low in calories.

  In daily life, you can eat more wax gourd and kelp soup, wax gourd and shrimp, etc.

  Rabbit Meat

  Rabbit meat is "an element in meat". Its protein content is as high as 70%, but its fat and cholesterol content is lower than all other meat.

  Eating rabbit meat often can strengthen the body and control the weight, which is called "beauty meat" by foreign women.


  Oats contain a rich dietary fiber, which can not only promote digestion, eliminate toxins in the body, but also make your skin more shiny.

  Boil a bowl of oatmeal with milk every morning, which can not only supplement calcium, but also keep a good figure.

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