The dog days are coming. There are four ways to protect your body

release time:2022-02-23|reading:

 The dog days are coming. Don't do anything that consumes yang!


  The weather is getting hotter and hotter, but many friends still feel cold hands and feet, listless, and poor complexion. They feel tired after a little activity in hot days... feel uncomfortable, but can't tell what's wrong

  It may be caused by the reduction of yang qi in the body!

  Yang Qi Weakening Will Reduce Life

  There is a cloud in the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon: "If the sun and the sky lose their place, they will lose their life."

  This means that yang qi belongs to human beings, just as the sun belongs to nature.

  Without the sun, there would be no life, and people without the sun would lose their lives.

  "Yang is the foundation of life."

  When people get old, they have a runny nose, drool, tears, or they can't lift urine or urinate frequently for no reason.

  All these problems are caused by Yang Qi losing its general function.

  For the elderly suffering from coronary artery disease, rheumatic heart disease, cor pulmonale or acute heart failure, there is a treatment that is to save Yang.

  When Yang comes back, you must live.

  Yang Qi is like the switch technology of a faucet. Its valves and screws gradually become loose. The main way to tighten it is to replenish Yang Qi and protect your own Yang Qi.

  The Five Most Yang depleting Things in Summer

  The ancients believed: "Yang is nourished in spring and summer."

  This is because, in summer, Yang Qi is the most abundant in nature, the growth and development of human body has reached a peak, and the consumption of Yang is particularly large, so we should focus on protecting Yang.

  At this time, the body yang floats outside, but the inside is empty. It is a little careful that heat and moisture may invade the body.

  Therefore, in order to maintain yang in summer, it is necessary to avoid damaging yang.

  1. Often eat raw and cold food

  They like to drink herbal tea and cold drinks.

  Some people even drink cool and refreshing herbal tea all year round.

  No matter what their physical condition is, they will damage the internal organs and yang qi of the body, causing yang deficiency.

  2 Love blowing air conditioner

  Now, both shopping malls and homes are equipped with air conditioners.

  In summer, people spend almost a whole day in an air-conditioned environment, and the cold air frequently invades.

  If you usually lack exercise or do not exercise at all, you will sweat less and less, and your yang will be damaged over time.

  3 Insufficient rest

  As a health preserving saying goes, "Work at sunrise and rest at sunset", "Yang Qi means you will be relaxed if you are tired".

  The so-called "Zhang" means to spread out constantly, especially when we show yang at night, so we should take in and return to the social standard.

  If you often stay up late playing cards, singing, etc., or overwork, Yang cannot return to this position, but can only slowly dissipate.

  4 Lack of exercise

  Long term lack of exercise and sunshine is easy to cause yang deficiency.

  5 Abuse of antibiotics

  From the analysis of the nature and taste of traditional Chinese medicine, antibiotics are cold and bitter, easy to attack Yang, Yang deficiency, and weak physique.

  Self Test: Have you lost your yang?

  1. Do you have cold hands and feet?

  C.2. Do you feel afraid of the cold and wear more clothes than others?

  Are you uncomfortable with cold food?

  4. Do you like hot food?

  C.5. Do you urinate frequently? Especially at night?

  If there is a "yes" answer to the above question, it may be Yang deficiency constitution.

  Four Moves to Relieve Heat and Nourish Yang

  01 Will drink

  Recommend a home-made online recipe - Qingxin Qushu Drink.


  ☆ 6-10g fresh lotus leaves (heat clearing); 6-8g honeysuckle (heat clearing and detoxification, spleen lifting); 5g lotus heart; 5 g licorice.


  Conserve the yang.


  Most people can drink herbal tea, but people with weak spleen and stomach can drink it.

  02 Will eat

  In the midsummer of dog days, the yang qi jumps out and is firmly protected on the body surface. The gastrointestinal function is relatively weak. At this time, if you eat too much, you will hurt your stomach.

  It is recommended to drink "lotus leaf porridge" frequently, which is an external method for summer diarrhea and is very helpful for common summer diarrhea.


  ・ Lotus leaves, rice, red dates.


  The fresh lotus leaves and rice can be cooked together or porridge, and then some red dates and rock sugar can be added.

  Boil the old lotus leaves with water first, then use this water congee, add some red dates and sugar to cook together.


  The lotus leaves before flowering should be used, because the lotus leaves before flowering are the best for clearing the heart, clearing away heat and nourishing the stomach.

  03 Sunlight

  Sunshine is also a way to replenish yang qi, but it is learned in summer. The time is not right, or it may become an inducement for brain stem and heart stem!

  Don't sleep hard in the hot summer, and the sun is strong in summer, so we should conform to its rules.

  In midsummer, it is better to go to bed late and get up early, take a nap at noon, and go out for a walk at 4pm.

  From the perspective of nourishing Yang, the most appropriate position in the sun is the pulse, because the pulse is the place where all Yang meridians gather and governs Yang.

  Whether in the sun or at a higher temperature, it helps to maintain yang qi.

  04 Kneading: Three Key Points of Guyang

  1. Air supplement: Qihai Cave

  Location: The midline of the front abdomen, 1.5 inches below the belly button, is the location of two horizontal fingers.

  [Rubbing] Usually, you can rub Qihai point or use chopsticks, pens, etc., press the point and rotate to stimulate the point, 3-5 minutes each time, which can cure the symptoms of qi deficiency.

  2. Stimulate Yang Qi: Yongquan Point

  [Acupoint] The intersection of the left and right muscles of the forefoot.

  Rub Yongquan acupoint for 3-5 minutes each time.

  The fountain point is the first point of the foot Shaoyin kidney. The kidney is the foundation of life and the rise of yang, so the fountain point is the key point to stimulate yang.

  Foot acupoints are distal acupoints. Stimulating foot acupoints has a good regulating effect on the overall function of people.

  3. Root of life: Shenque Cave

  [Acupoint location] The center of the belly button.

  Ginger separated moxibustion has a good effect on disadvantageous urination, urinary incontinence or retention of dysfunctions after stroke.

  If you have similar symptoms and want to do moxibustion, you must consult a professional doctor, not your own moxibustion.

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