How to alleviate pregnancy discomfort?

release time:2022-02-25|reading:

       After pregnancy, many people will have a nausea, vomiting and other early pregnancy symptoms. Many people will still have a lot of discomfort after early pregnancy.


  The following measures can help pregnant women relieve discomfort.

  Nausea and vomiting, drinking strong ginger soup

  Nausea and vomiting mainly occur in the early pregnancy.

  Most people will be relieved after 3 to 4 months, but a few people will have nausea and vomiting in the middle and late pregnancy.

  Most people do not need special treatment and should pay attention to eating less.

  If you vomit badly, try drinking a cup of strong ginger soup. This folk prescription is very useful for some people.

  If you vomit badly, you need to see a doctor.

  Edema when sleeping, with feet high

  In the middle and late stages of pregnancy, many people will have swollen hands and feet, and some people have no obvious edema, but when they wake up in the morning, they will find that their fingers are swollen, painful, and unable to bend.

  This kind of symptom is mostly caused by recessive edema. Move your fingers more and rest for a while will relieve it.

  If the edema is obvious, you can put a pillow on your feet when you sleep at night, and drink some diuretic wax gourd soup and soybean milk.

  Soak your feet and drink milk before insomnia

  Generally, it is not recommended for pregnant women to take sleeping pills. You can try soaking feet in hot water before going to bed, drinking milk or taking some traditional Chinese medicine to help them sleep.

  Such insomniacs are generally temporary, and will have something to do to alleviate after giving birth.

  Lumbago stretching+massage

  Higher estrogen levels after pregnancy can cause some parts of the ligaments to relax, sometimes small dislocations or dislocations, low back pain or other joint pain.

  In addition, the enlargement of the uterus will also increase the tension of the lumbar ligaments.

  The solution is to do some stretching exercises of the waist or joints properly, and local massage will also help.

  Leg spasm calcium supplement+massage

  This is partly due to calcium deficiency and poor blood flow.

  Take enough calcium after the second trimester of pregnancy.

  Moderate exercise and local massage can also relieve leg cramps.

  This is vaginal discharge, no infection, no treatment

  This is a normal manifestation during pregnancy. If it is accompanied by some obvious itching, peculiar smell, or bean dregs like leucorrhea, it is necessary to further improve the examination.

  After pregnancy, under the action of estrogen and progesterone, the vaginal internal environment has undergone tremendous changes, which is easy to cause vaginal fungal infection. Those with obvious symptoms can be treated with Class B antifungal drugs.

  Fast heartbeat, chest tightness and dizziness will not change the body position suddenly

  After the second trimester of pregnancy, more blood flows to the uterus, and expectant mothers are prone to hypotension syndrome, usually related to body position.

  In addition, pregnant women are prone to hypoglycemia.

  It should be noted that you should not be empty for too long. When changing positions, you should walk slowly, not too fast, and not stay in a place with poor air circulation for too long.

  Hemorrhoids will improve after delivery

  The enlargement of uterus affects the venous return of lower limbs, which is easy to cause hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

  Most will not affect natural childbirth.

  Postpartum symptoms will be significantly reduced and most of them will disappear.

  In addition, pregnant women will urinate frequently, which is caused by the enlarged uterus pressing the bladder forward after entering the middle trimester of pregnancy.

  The late pregnancy is mainly due to the upward enlargement of the uterus, and the symptoms will be relieved.

  hot tip

  It is normal to feel uncomfortable when pregnant. Few people even feel uncomfortable before they start pregnancy. After pregnancy, they become comfortable, which is less likely than winning the lottery.

  Feeling unwell during pregnancy is normal and "abnormal", and most people do not need medication.

  If treatment is needed, it should mainly be traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, because these problems after pregnancy are mainly diseases, not diseases.

  Symptomatic treatment is the characteristic of traditional chinese medicine, western medicine has no good way.

  If the pregnancy symptoms worsen and affect the normal work and life, you need to see the corresponding professional doctor.

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