What harm does smoking do to cardiovascular patients?

release time:2022-02-25|reading:

       In fact, smoking does great harm to cardiovascular diseases, mainly in the following aspects:

  The burning tobacco smoke contains more than 4000 chemicals, more than 250 toxic and harmful substances, including more than 60 carcinogens.


  There is also a large amount of harmful substance nicotine in tobacco. Long term inhalation will directly lead to increased secretion of thyroxine and adrenaline in the body, which will lead to increased blood pressure and faster heartbeat of patients.

  Smoking is easy to cause the formation of atherosclerotic plaque, but it is also easy to make the plaque larger, more likely to make the plaque unstable.

  If these unstable plaques rupture, they will form clots at the top of the rupture, leading to myocardial infarction and cerebral infarction, or even sudden death.

  Smoking is very harmful to pregnant women and fetuses.

  In addition to causing fetal growth retardation and underweight, smoking can also make children develop shorter than their peers and have poorer physique.

  In addition, the incidence of infants with congenital heart disease can be significantly increased, and smoking is 2-3 times higher for women than for infants born to non-smoking women.

  In addition to its great harm to cardiovascular system, smoking is also one of the important and independent risk environmental factors for patients with cardiovascular system diseases such as hypertension, cerebrovascular disease and peripheral vascular disease.

  According to relevant statistics, about 75% of patients with coronary heart disease and hypertension have a history of smoking.

  The incidence of coronary heart disease in smokers is 3.5 times higher, the mortality is 6 times higher, and the incidence of myocardial infarction is 2 to 6 times higher.

  You can use a friend's electrocardiograph to self check the electrocardiogram at home, so as to timely capture the risk of cardiac abnormalities and provide reference for medical treatment.

  Some people may say that according to observation, smoking does not seem so terrible in real life. Not only do we see some long-lived smokers often smoke, but even the news often reports that some centenarians who smoke half their lives.

  Since smoking is so harmful, why do some people smoke all their lives and live a long life without heart disease or sudden death?

  On the one hand, there are almost no non-smokers in the older generation, because there are no non-smokers. Of course, the long-lived can only be smokers, because the short-lived died early.

  Some people also use it to gain inner peace and no longer fear smoking.

  Another important aspect is the media report. In recent years, short life smoking has been widely known, and the media report nothing attractive. On the contrary, an occasional long life smoking is more likely to attract the public's attention.

  Therefore, it will be reported by the network media.

  But there is no need to know that more unreported people need more attention.

  According to the follow-up survey of smokers and non-smokers, non-smokers live longer than smokers.

  Among non-smokers, 81% live beyond 70 years, while among smokers, 58% live beyond 70 years.

  By the age of 80. 59% of non-smokers are still alive; Only 26% of smokers are alive.

  From these data, we can see that the longevity rate of smokers is much lower than that of non-smokers.

  By the age of 70. smokers are 23% less likely than non-smokers; By the age of 80. smokers are 33% less likely than non-smokers.

  Older smokers are more likely to smoke and die from smoking related diseases.

  Therefore, it is not necessarily true to see what others want you to see, or what you see is determined by your limitations, such as the words "see". However, there are many times when you become a frog at the bottom of a well and only see the day above your head, which is so small that the wider world is ignored.

  Smoking is like driving in the opposite direction.

  Although it is possible to reach the destination, the probability of accident will be higher.

  According to the intentional long-term development research of the World People's Health Service Organization, in addition to genetic factors, 60% of the factors affecting the length of life come from a person's living habits, such as going to bed early and getting up early, eating rules, regular exercise, good mentality, etc. are beneficial to longevity.

  When smoking coexists with hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperglycemia and other risk factors, the risk factors are multiplicative, in short, 1+1>2.

  It is almost impossible to keep away from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

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