Nine Acupoints for Cupping Regimen

release time:2022-03-02|reading:

      1、 Zusanli

  Zusanli is one of the acupoints for human health care, which was called "Longevity Acupoint" by ancient people.


  Theoretical research on the meridians and collaterals of Zusanli has been confirmed by a large number of modern research institutes. Zusanli has a regulatory effect on the function of cerebral cortex cells, and has a well developed role in promoting cardiovascular protection, gastrointestinal peristalsis, internal clarity function analysis and autoimmune control system.

  According to the meridian theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the Stomach Meridian of Foot Yangming, where Zusanli is located, is a pulse of qi and blood, which runs from head to foot and runs through the whole body, mainly distributed on the head, chest, abdomen and the front edge of the outer side of the lower limbs.

  Therefore, Zusanli can not only regulate the function of its own digestive information system, but also improve the treatment of diseases in different parts of the stomach meridian, as well as other systemic diseases, such as hypertension, heart disease, gastrointestinal disease, diabetes, etc.

  Frequent cupping at Zusanli can play a certain role in health care.

  2、 Fountain

  Yongquan Point is the first point of Foot Xiaoyin, which is located in the foot palm of the human body. The damp poison in the body is easy to gather and not easy to discharge. It accumulates and blocks gas for a long time, or diffuses with gas to other parts of the body, causing a variety of diseases.

  Cupping at Yongquan Point can expel the wet toxic gas from the body and dredge the gas in the meridians of Foot Shaoyin Kidney.

  The kidney qi is strong, and the human body is rich in energy. Then the teeth are black, the ears and eyes are clear, and aging is delayed.

  3、 Sanyinjiao

  Sanyinjiao is the point where the liver, kidney and spleen meet.

  The liver stores blood, the spleen controls blood, the kidney stores essence, and the essence and blood are of the same origin.

  The kidney is the foundation of congenital development, the spleen is the foundation of acquired education, the innate essence depends on the nurture of the acquired essence, and the acquired essence depends on the promotion of the innate essence.

  It can often be used together with the cupping of Sanyinjiao to regulate the acupoint qi of the liver, spleen and kidney Sanyin meridians, so that the innate essence is vigorous and the acquired essence is sufficient, so as to achieve a healthy and long life.

  4、 Shenque

  Shenque point is the navel of the human body and one of the important parts of human health care and treatment.

  The fetus gets nutrition from the mother through the umbilical cord, so it is called "the root of life".

  It is the entrance and exit of the human body, which is the basis of human connections, the seven seas and the five zang organs.

  Often cupping at Shenque acupoint can strengthen the spleen and kidney, regulate stomach and qi, replenish qi and water, relieve stagnation, promote blood circulation and regulate menstruation

  5、 Back shu point

  The back shu point of the viscera of the human body is distributed on the first side of the Bladder Meridian of the Foot Taiyang.

  On this line, cupping can straighten out the qi of the viscera, regulate the physiological functions of the viscera, and promote the movement of qi and blood throughout the body.

  It is a commonly used acupoint for health cupping therapy.

  It is found in medicine that cupping at Beishu point can stimulate the central nervous system and regulate the functional activities of the nervous system by treating the spinal nerve root, thus enhancing the disease resistance of the body.

  6、 Baihui

  Baihui has a pseudonym of Sanyang and Wuhui acupoints, and its head is Huizhong Yang. Pulling this point or regular massage has obvious effects on the prevention and treatment of cerebrovascular diseases.

  It has significant promoting effect and special effect on organ prolapse.

  Cupping at this point often requires beauty, otherwise the sealing effect is not good, affecting the curative effect.

  Baihui acupoint is located at the intersection of the midline of the head and the tips of the ears.

  Its function is to calm the liver wind, clear away heat and open up orifices; It can nourish Yang and Qi, refresh the brain and calm the nerves.

  7、 Dazhui

  Dazhui belongs to the Du meridian. It protrudes at the center of the seventh cervical vertebra and the first thoracic vertebra, and is obvious when the head is lowered. It is the intersection of the hand and foot Sanyang meridians and the Du meridians.

  The spine is located at the pole on the back of the human body, so it is the yang point in the yang, with the function of guiding yang gas and connecting yin gas.

  Frequently pull this point, coordinate with the regulation of yin and yang, dredge the meridians, promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, clear heat and detoxify, prevent colds, and enhance the immune effect of the body.

  8、 Neiguan

  Neiguan is an important point of the pericardial meridians of the hand yin, located in the transverse pattern between the palmaris longus tendon and the flexor carpi radialis tendon.

  Calm headed, reasonable, relaxing meridians and other effects. Frequently pull this point to smooth the pericardium and blood, which plays an important role in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

  As the upper, middle and lower triple energizers experienced by the hand twitching yin pericardium, it also has a good effect on lung and gastrointestinal diseases.

  9、 Hegu

  Hegu is commonly known as "Hukou".

  It belongs to the Large Intestinal Meridian of Hand Yangming, which starts from the hand, along the outside of the arm to the head and face.

  Hegu has the functions of clearing yang, expelling wind, detoxifying, dredging meridians, relieving pain and opening orifices.

  Frequent cupping can make teeth healthy, and can also treat toothache and facial diseases.

  It can also maintain smooth defecation, help expel toxins and wastes, and play a role in beauty and anti-aging.

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