Key information and knowledge points of oral health

release time:2022-02-09|reading:

一、 Balanced diet pattern, diversified balanced diet

Oral diseases and many chronic diseases have a common risk factor.

For example, excessive intake of foods high in sugar, fat, salt and fiber is not only related to coronary heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer and obesity, but also closely related to the development of dental diseases such as caries and periodontal disease.

Establishing a healthy dietary pattern can prevent both systemic and oral diseases.

Diet diversification is the basic principle of balanced diet pattern.

It is recommended to eat at least 12 kinds of food every day, more than 25 kinds of food every week, and more grains, vegetables and fruits.

These foods rich in vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber are conducive to the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and obesity, as well as tooth development and the prevention of common oral diseases such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth erosion and oral cancer.

Scientifically identify sugar and avoid adding sugar


一、 Non free sugar is less harmful

Sugar is non free sugar and free sugar.

Non free sugar is less harmful to the body.

They are fructose naturally found in fresh fruits, sugar in vegetables, lactose in milk, starch in cereals and potatoes.

Free sugar has a great impact on the body, and is often divided into the following two kinds. One is the sugar in pure fruit juice, concentrated fruit juice and honey. Although it often gives people the impression of "natural" and "healthy", it is also a free sugar.

Because the sugar in the complete fruit is wrapped by a layer of plants through the cell wall, the digestive system process is slower, so it is not easy to cause caries for the fruit products with complete fresh content. However, the cariogenic property will continue to increase when the fruit becomes free sugar after being made into juice.

Another kind of free sugar refers to sugar, glucose, fructose and syrup added to traditional food in food safety production, preparation and processing, also known as added sugar.

二、 Adding sugar is relatively secret

The added sugar not only exists in sweets, such as drinks, candies, cakes, biscuits, desserts, honey, syrup and candies, but also may be hidden in "unsweetened" processed foods.

Such as tomato paste, yogurt, coffee, puffed food, sesame paste, walnut powder, plum and plum, etc.

It is worth noting that many commercially available baby foods are highly processed products containing high levels of added sugar, so be careful to accidentally eat added sugar.

Added sugar is a pure energy food, also known as "empty calories" food.

Excessive intake will reduce the intake and absorption of other low calorie nutritious foods, disrupt the diet balance, and lead to excess energy, weight gain, obesity and increased risk of diabetes.

三、 Drink less carbonated drinks to avoid tooth damage

Generally, pH value is a direct indicator reflecting different pH values. The critical pH of enamel demineralization is 5.5. Carbonated beverages, citrus acids and foods have low pH values and relatively high sugar content, which can reduce the oral pH value to below the critical pH value of enamel demineralization, causing direct corrosion and damage to the surface quality of teeth, thus causing acid erosion.

In addition, these foods can also produce an acid substance through microbial fermentation of sugar, which can lead to the dissolution of minerals in enamel and cause caries.

Excessive intake of sugary and carbonated beverages or the habit of drinking beverages before going to bed can significantly increase the risk of acid attack in children and adolescents.

It is suggested to reduce the intake of carbonated beverages to avoid harming teeth, and choose water instead of beverages in daily life.

四、 Eat more fruits and vegetables and reduce alcohol, tobacco and betel nuts

Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is a very important fiber for the body. Regular consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and coarse grains rich in calcium, vitamin C, and fiber can increase chewing activities, reduce plaque retention, promote periodontal health, prevent periodontal diseases, and help prevent tooth decay, mucosal diseases, and oral cancer.

Smoking is a major risk factor for oral cancer. More than 90% of oral cancer patients are smokers, because tobacco and smoke contain a variety of harmful substances, which can cause and promote cancer.

Alcohol induced oral cancer is mainly tongue cancer and cancer of the floor of the mouth. Because of repeated contact between alcohol and tongue and mucosa of the floor of the mouth, mucosal burns and increased absorption of carcinogens are caused.

The higher the alcohol content, the greater the risk of cancer.

"Betel nut" has been listed as the main carcinogen by the World Health Organization. Chewing betel nut is an important risk factor for oral cancer.

五、 Promote breastfeeding and healthy Chinese eating habits

All deciduous teeth and most permanent teeth are formed and calcified in infancy, which is also a period of rapid growth and development of the body.

Breast milk is the best natural food for infants. It is high in calories, rich in nutrients needed by infants, and conducive to digestion, absorption, disease resistance and other advantages.

It is recommended that infants be exclusively breastfed for 6 months, then extended to 2 years, and supplemented with supplementary food.

Sugar should not be added to baby food or drinks, otherwise it may cause sweet taste habits.

Childhood is the best time to develop a good diet.

At present, many foods sold on the market are melted, sweet and sticky in the mouth, and can be swallowed without chewing hard.

On the one hand, it is easy to cause the accumulation of food residues and plaque on the surface of teeth, and induce dental caries. On the other hand, it is not conducive to the development of the mouth and jaw and the training of masticatory function.

It is suggested that parents should formulate a diet with no or low added sugar for children, so that children do not like to eat less salt, oil and sugar, and it is beneficial to develop healthy eating habits for a lifetime.

六、 Don't have oral disease during pregnancy

Once a woman is pregnant, complicated oral treatment in early and late pregnancy will increase the risk of fetal abortion or premature delivery due to stress, pain and other factors.

Therefore, women should take the initiative to receive oral health examination before planning pregnancy, timely discover and deal with diseases or hidden dangers in the oral cavity, and avoid treatment inconvenience and risk caused by oral emergencies during pregnancy.

七、 Cleaning and oral cavity are very important. Brushing method: floss

Diet and bacteria are the most important factors leading to dental caries and periodontal disease, so removing dental plaque is the basis for maintaining oral health.

Brush teeth to remove plaque, soft scales and food debris, maintain oral hygiene, and keep teeth and periodontal tissue healthy.

Fluoride toothpaste is considered to be the safest, simplest, low-cost and effective caries prevention measure in the world.

Fluoride toothpaste can be used after teething.

To ensure safety and effectiveness, it is recommended to use fluoride toothpaste with fluoride concentration of 500-1100mg/kg and grain size of rice (15-20mg); The dosage of fluoride toothpaste for children aged 3-6 years old is pea size; The fluoride toothpaste for adults is the size of soybeans.

After several hours of brushing, dental plaque will re attach to the cleaned tooth surface and continue to form.

Especially after sleeping at night, the saliva secretion is reduced, the oral self-cleaning effect is poor, and bacteria are easy to grow.

Therefore, it is more important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and before going to bed at night.

When brushing teeth with horizontal vibration, the bristles of the toothbrush cannot completely extend to the space between teeth. If floss or interdental brush is helpful to clean the space between teeth after brushing teeth every day, the goal of thorough cleaning of teeth can be achieved.

Chewing sugarless gum can also stimulate saliva secretion, reduce oral acidity, and help to freshen breath and clean teeth.

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