Xiaoman solar term health preserving medicated diet

release time:2022-03-10|reading:

 The weather in Xiaoman is hot, so the diet is mainly light vegetarian food, but the nutrient content of vegetarian food is relatively simple, so a balance can be achieved through proper collocation and some meat food, but not too much. It is better to maintain economic balance.


  The diet in the north should be to remove internal heat, spleen and wet food.

  Bamboo leaf fried chicken can clear heat and detoxify, damp spleen, and hot amaranth to stop bleeding, and eliminate stagnation. Red bean is a good way to clear water and damp, while light bamboo leaf is sweet, light, and cold, which can relieve heart fire. In addition to thirst, white lentil can promote diuresis due to damp spleen, and mint fragrance can clear and lead, especially suitable for summer.

  This kind of medicated diet can help people keep away from dampness and evil, stimulate their spirits, and achieve the effect of clearing away heat. It is especially suitable for people who are hot and wet, and who are trapped in spleen, air pressure, and heat.

  It is inappropriate to eat chicken for cold and heat, vomiting and diarrhea.

  The diet in the south should be heat clearing and detoxification, qi nourishing yin and defecation food.

  The small row of black bean pot can remove heat and annoyance, and defecate yin. The water bamboo can clear heat and detoxify, thirst, wolfberry, glutinous rice dampness, wolfberry essence, and thirst. It is suitable for preventing thirst, jaundice, urine, stool, difficulty, chest tightness, dysentery, ulcer, vitamin deficiency, obesity, etc. in summer. At the same time, it can replenish water with soup and pig bone calcium.

  The Chinese yam can nourish qi and yin, nourish spleen, lung and kidney. In combination, it has the effects of clearing intestines, lightening body turbidity, easily causing disorder when heated, and sweet, pungent and cool light soybeans, which can dissipate heat, protect stomach and dispel acne.

  This kind of medicated diet is suitable for people with two kinds of stool defects, such as thirst quenching, headache and discomfort.

  For complete stagnation, it should be used.

  Fried Chicken with Bamboo Leaves (North)

  Edible substance

  The leaves of Phyllostachys pubescens are 5g, and the production areas in Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Anhui, Hunan, Hubei, Guangdong and Guangxi are better.

  Six grams of red adzuki beans, preferably produced in Guangdong, Guangxi and Jiangxi.

  5g white lentils, preferably from Yunnan.

  3 g peppermint, from manufacturers in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Jiangxi.

  Main materials

  100g chicken breast.


  2 proteins, 50g amaranth red.


  Edible oil, dry starch, salt, white pepper, cooking wine, rice wine, sesame oil.

  Fabrication method

  1) Dice the chicken breast, marinate it with salt, white pepper and cooking wine, add an egg white and dry starch to make a paste, and mix well.

  2) Soak red beans in boiling water until peeled. Soak white lentils in boiling water until soft. Add rice wine and sesame oil, stir well, and steam for 40 minutes.

  3) Soak the light bamboo leaves in water for half an hour, add salt, boiled wine and water starch, and mix well.

  4) Soak mint in light salt water for 10 minutes, then shred.

  5) Clean food and spare parts.

  6) Add edible oil to the pot, heat it, add diced chicken, stir fry until the chicken turns white, add steamed red beans, white lentils and amaranth, add light bamboo juice, and sprinkle mint. It tastes salty and fresh.


  It can dispel internal heat, spleen dampness and dampness, in addition to worries.

  Suitable population

  Damp heat, damp damp, damp damp, spleen heat and qi stagnation.

  Unsuitable people

  Fever, vomiting, diarrhea and internal heat.

  Braised Pork Ribs with Black Bean Sauce (South) Food and medicine

  Chinese yam is 10 grams, and the Huaihe Chinese yam in Henan, Jiangsu, Guangxi and Hunan are the best.

  5g superphosphate, black, large, plump, with membrane substance preferred.

  Coix lachryma seed is 5g, which is best produced in Fujian, Hebei and Liaoning University.

  5 grams of lycium barbarum is the best in Ningxia and Gansu.

  Main materials

  Clean pork ribs 100g.


  50g water bamboo.


  Edible oil, edible wine, ginger, onion, salt, white pepper, sugar, soy sauce, sesame oil.

  Fabrication method

  1) Clean and cut pork chops, blanch them.

  2) Rinse water bamboo and Chinese yam, cut them into pieces, blanch them with hot water and remove them.

  3) Coix seed and wolfberry can be cleaned.

  4) Add a little cooking oil in the pot, add light soybeans, stir fry until fragrant, then add ribs, water bamboo juice, add red wine, ginger slices, green onions, stir fry, add boiling water.

  5) Add salt, white pepper, sugar and soy sauce, adjust the taste, and add yam, coix seed and wolfberry.

  6) Stew for 50 minutes until the ribs are boned and sprinkled with sesame oil. It tastes salty and fragrant.


  It can clear heat and dissipate depression, stimulate fluid and quench thirst, nourish yin and protect stomach, and replenish qi to eliminate annoyance.

  Suitable population

  Those who are thirsty, head heavy and bored, and have two disadvantages.

  Unsuitable people

  Full of stagnation.

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