Self protection, anti new top four moves, strong body, anti epidemic virus

release time:2022-03-15|reading:

      Self protection for covid-19. 4 moves to strengthen the body against viruses

  Today, the fight against the new coronavirus pneumonia has achieved phased results, but the overseas epidemic situation is serious, and the situation of epidemic prevention and control is grim.

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  How to do a good job in personal prevention and control in the face of epidemic situation?

  How to strengthen the body to resist viruses?

  Tap the mutton gently to clear the chest yang

  There is a saying in the Yellow Emperor's Internal Canon:

  "There is no nihility. Follow the Qi, keep your spirit in it, and never get sick."

  In other words, abandoning selfish thoughts, maintaining inner peace, achieving the best psychological state, and a quiet, indifferent and peaceful state of mind will help prevent disease and maintain physical and mental health.

  When the human body is in a bad mood, the functions of the viscera will be out of balance.

  All diseases are born in Qi. Anger is Qi, happiness is Qi, sadness is Qi, and fear is Qi.

  Therefore, in the face of the epidemic situation, we should not only pay attention to protection, but also relax, maintain a cheerful and optimistic attitude, pay attention to psychological adjustment, so that the body qi can be unblocked and all diseases can disappear.

  If you live indoors for a long time in the city, it is inconvenient to go out and feel stuffy in the chest. You can use the vocal cord to pronounce "ha" by gently pressing or tapping the Tanzhong point. The six times of "ha" sound is an economic cycle. You can work for 3-6 consecutive cycles according to your health status, which can play a very exciting role in the heart and lung yang, and smooth the function of the qi in the chest.

  The middle point is an important point commonly used in health care. It is located on the front midline of the chest and at the midpoint of the line between the two nipples.

  It has the function of regulating viscera, regulating qi and activating blood circulation. The main symptoms are chest tightness, discomfort, palpitations and shortness of breath.

  However, those who have suffered from cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases or old and weak people in the past should go to the hospital for treatment under the guidance of doctors if they feel unwell.

  Moxa stick incense suppresses virus

  According to the Thousand Golden Prescriptions by Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty, "love of fire can cure all diseases and eliminate evil".

  "The officials of ordinary people traveling in Wu Shu area often need three or two moxibustion points on their bodies, so they don't want to make sores for the time being, and then the malaria gas will not infect people."

  According to the records in Acupuncture and Moxibustion, "Three li is for nourishing qi, and moxibustion is full of vitality, so it is called longevity moxibustion".

  Moxibustion can also stimulate the functions of zang fu organs, blood gas, yin and yang, and strengthen the body.

  Zusanli, Lower Foot Yangming Stomach Meridian, is a powerful physical and mental health care point.

  Zusanli point is located at the front outside of the leg, 3 inches below the shank nose, and a horizontal finger (middle finger) extends from the front edge of the tibia.

  Massage and moxibustion at Zusanli are the most common family health care methods.

  In the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the function of the spleen is the basis of acquired, and the spleen is the main muscle and main blood.

  It is beneficial to the human body to strengthen the transport function of the spleen and stomach, promote the water in the body to enter the grain, regulate the spleen and stomach, replenish qi, and remove dampness according to the principle of "three li five li" for 10 minutes every day.

  Moxibustion at Zusanli is more effective for disease prevention and health care. So the folk proverb says, "It's better to eat old hens than moxibustion at the foot of three li".

  Under the guidance of doctors and the premise of ensuring safety, moxibustion is used to regulate the body, improve the immunity of the body, and has a positive effect before epidemic prevention. You can also choose Zhongwan, Qihai, Guanyuan and other acupoints.

  In addition to moxibustion through acupuncture points, you can also use moxa stick incense. Specific analysis method: close the doors and windows, light the moxa stick, smoke for half an hour, and then open the doors and windows for ventilation.

  Alternate work between living rooms, 2-3 times a week, can to some extent be able to inhibit network viruses in order to survive.

  Yanjin Regimen Strengthens the Body

  The ancients said, "Leave the liquid gold, and you will have vitality."

  Tianjin liquid is the general name of all normal water and liquid in the body, including the official internal fluid of the internal organs and their normal secretions. It has the function of nourishing and nourishing the blood.

  Suwen · Theory of Meridians says: "Stomach drinking, swimming essence, lost in the spleen, spleen qi essence, to the lung, through the water channel, lower bladder, essence four cloth, five parallel."

  The body fluid (oral liquid) in the mouth is commonly known as saliva and tongue fluid, also known as Jinjinyu liquid.

  The health care method of "from tongue to palate, swallowing saliva" highly recommended by Sun Simiao, the king of medicine, has been loved by health experts of all ages.

  As the saying goes, "Three hundred mouthfuls of saliva can make you live to ninety-nine mouthfuls."

  Pharyngognosy generally includes three parts: tongue stirring, mouth rinsing and pharynx diagnosis.

  Every morning, stick the tongue to the upper jaw, or stick the tongue to the upper and lower gums, gums and teeth, stir back and forth until the body fluid in the mouth increases, and then slowly rinse the body fluid.

  In the process of swallowing liquid, it can strengthen the stomach with the spleen, moisturize the skin of the five internal organs, nourish the kidney and enrich the brain.

  In the long run, human health and longevity can be achieved.

  In addition, five colors of red, yellow, green, white and black should be guaranteed for normal diet.

  Such as red tomatoes, yellow grains, green vegetables, white bean products, black fungus, etc., and with meat, dry, five taste.

  Both spleen and lung nourish and strengthen qi

  The Classic of Internal Medicine in the Period of the Yellow Emperor, a classic of traditional Chinese medicine, says: "If the positive qi is stored inside, the evil cannot do it; if the evil gathers together, its qi will be empty."

  To defend against the invasion of external evils, we need to rely on the solid protection of body surface defensive qi.

  The Wei Qi of the human body is generated by the transportation of the spleen and stomach, that is to say, if the spleen is strong, the Qi and blood will be strong, and the Wei Qi will be more abundant and powerful, and the functional requirements of the defense system will be strong.

  The elderly have low spleen and stomach functions, weak qi, and are prone to be interfered by evil qi. The lung dominates the skin, and the evil qi attacks outside, causing the lung to produce first, and then easily causing respiratory diseases. The function of lung and spleen is weak. It can usually be taken by cooking Chinese yam and glutinous rice kernel porridge.

  Chinese yam and coix seed have the same origin. Chinese yam is beneficial to the spleen and stomach and lungs. Coix has the effect of strengthening the spleen and moistening. It can not only be used to cook porridge, but also promote intestinal absorption, so as to enhance physical strength and resist disease.

  The largest immune system of the human body is intestinal mucosa. A reasonable diet can create a healthy intestinal bacteria environment and eat a healthy body.

  In order to prevent the new type of coronavirus pneumonia, in addition to washing hands frequently, wearing masks and reducing attention, we should also pay attention to balanced diet, emotional conditioning and adequate sleep, which will help improve our own immunity.

  Only when the virus reaches the outside and the inside is positive can we resist the virus. There is no dead end.

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