What grains and cereals should diabetics eat

release time:2022-03-17|reading:

      1. Wheat: sweet and cool.

  Tao Hongjing of the Northern and Southern Dynasties wrote in the Record of Famous Doctors: "It can remove heat, stop dryness and thirst, facilitate urination, nourish liver qi, stop blood leakage and spit blood."


  The mirror of the doctor's heart records that it can cure thirst. "Wheat is used for cooking and porridge."

  2. Japonica rice: Ganping.

  It is recorded in the "General Record of Sacred Aid" compiled officially by Emperor Huizong of the Song Dynasty that it was used to cure cholera, insanity, thirst, and excessive vomiting.

  Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty wrote in the Compendium of Materia Medica that "rice porridge is good for urination, stopping thirst and nourishing the intestines and stomach."

  3. Barley: Sweet and cool.

  Tao Hongjing of the Northern and Southern Dynasties wrote in the Record of Famous Doctors, "It is mainly used to quench thirst, remove heat, improve qi, and regulate."

  It is recorded in the Tang Materia Medica officially issued by the Tang Dynasty that "barley flour can calm the stomach, quench thirst and cure distension."

  4. Glutinous rice: sweet and warm.

  According to the "Three Reasons Recipe", it can cure thirst for three times and benefit people. It can be divided into glutinous rice (stir fried and fried) and mulberry root white (thick, finely cut).

  Use a small scale or two for each serving, and a large bowl of water. Boil half a bowl, and drink when you are thirsty.

  It is recorded in the Collection of Materia Medica that "the main thirst quencher."

  5. Xiaomi: Sweet and cool.

  Tao Hongjing of the Northern and Southern Dynasties wrote in the "Records of Famous Doctors" that "it is mainly for stomach heat, thirst and urination."

  The mirror of the doctor's heart records that it can cure thirst and dry mouth

  6. Job's tears: Sweet and cool.

  It is recorded in "Materia Medica Transforming Meaning" that "Job's tears are sweet and mild in taste. They are turbid in the middle of the Qing Dynasty. They can strengthen the spleen and yin, and greatly benefit the intestines and stomach. They are mainly used to treat diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, causing edema, rheumatism and slow tendons, resulting in weakness of hands and feet, and can not be bent and stretched. They can be used to cure dampness, which leads to soil failure, soil victory leads to gas recovery, swelling and self absorption. They can be taken into the lungs, nourish and transform the source, and can be used to cure upper energizer and eliminate thirst.".

  It is recorded in the Collection of Materia Medica, a collection of Chen wares of the Tang Dynasty, that "to warm the qi is to quench thirst." The Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty recorded that drinking water to quench thirst, "Coix seed boiled porridge to drink, and porridge to eat."

  7. Mung beans: sweet and cold.

  In Jing Yue Quan Shu, Zhang Jiebin in the Ming Dynasty wrote about mung bean drink, which can clear away heat, quench thirst, and facilitate urination. Therefore, this product is often used to make soup and cold drink in summer to cure heat, thirst, red urine, etc.

  The Diet Manual of Living with Rest by Wang Shixiong of the Qing Dynasty: "Mung beans are sweet and cool, and they can be boiled to clear gallbladder and nourish stomach, relieve heat and thirst, facilitate urination, and have diarrhea."

  8. Black beans: Ganping.

  Ge Hong of the Eastern Jin Dynasty wrote in "Behind the Elbow" that it was used to cure thirst 《

  Pu Ji Prescription: It is used to cure kidney deficiency and thirst, which is difficult to cure. "Trichosanthin and big black beans (stir fried). The top grade is divided into powder, batter pill, which is as big as a plane tree seed, and black beans in a hundred grain soup."

  9. Peas: Ganping.

  It is recorded in the Diet Manual of Living with Rest by Wang Shixiong of the Qing Dynasty that "when you cook, you can produce fluid in harmony, quench thirst, and lower your qi, and promote lactation and flatulence."

  10. Cowpea: Ganping.

  According to the Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, "the principle of nourishing qi, tonifying the kidney and stomach, harmonizing the five zang organs, regulating the operation and health, and nourishing the essence. It can stop thirst, vomit, diarrhea, and urinate. It can neutralize the rat poison."

  11. Lentils: Ganping.

  "Rencuntang Experience Recipe" records the drinking water for thirst quenching. "The white lentils are soaked and peeled. It is the end. The trichosanthin juice is as big as honey and pills of plane trees, and the gold foil is used as the clothing. Take twenty or thirty pills each time, and take it two times a day under the trichosanthin juice."

  In the Compendium of Materia Medica written by Li Shizhen in the Ming Dynasty, "it can stop diarrhea, relieve heat, warm the spleen and stomach, remove damp heat, and stop thirst."

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