These eight allergy symptoms are the most easily ignored, which can teach you how to resist allergy in an all-round way

release time:2022-03-19|reading:

    In daily life, some people get pimples on their faces as soon as they eat chillies, thinking that it is allergic, which is obviously wrong.

  This is skin acne caused by poor diet.


  Some people have flatulence after drinking milk, thinking it is allergic, but it is actually lactose intolerance.

  Some people say that they are allergic to alcohol. In fact, most of them are intolerant... There are not few people who are confused about the concept of allergy.

  Now let's learn about allergies and teach you how to resist allergies in an all-round way.

  10 allergens that are most likely to be neglected in the family

  1. Cooking steam: When cooking, the steam in the pot will adhere to places that are difficult to clean, such as corners, ceilings, cabinet doors and areas covered by large objects, and the mold will seize the opportunity to reproduce.

  When cooking, even if it is only boiling water, it is better to open the range hood or exhaust fan.

  2. Bookshelf: Bookshelf is not only the world of books, photo albums and handicrafts, but also a lot of dust.

  In a humid environment, books can also breed mold and become allergens.

  Therefore, the bookshelf should not be too close to the bed. Wipe it with a damp cloth at least once a week.

  3. Pillow: The warm and humid environment creates comfortable conditions for the growth of dust mites, no matter what is inside the pillow.

  It is recommended to replace the pillow core at least once a year and clean the pillow case regularly.

  4. Bathroom foot blanket: After taking a bath, we walk around on it. The wet carpet will promote the growth and reproduction of dust mites and molds.

  In addition to regular cleaning, these blankets can be hung up after the bath and dried with a hair dryer.

  5. Refrigerator door sealing: In the process of changing the refrigerator door, water and food residues gather here to make various bacteria multiply.

  It is recommended to use bleach and water to wash once, and cotton swabs can be used to help in difficult places.

  6. Fish tank: The mold inside the fish tank is easy to fall off from the water, but it often grows in wet places.

  The thrown fish food sticks to the wall of the water tank, nourishes the mold and becomes the main killer of the respiratory tract.

  Therefore, after each feeding, a cloth should be laid on the inside of the tank and the tank should be cleaned regularly.

  7. Wet clothes: clothes that have been put in the washing machine for a long time are prone to mildew and smell.

  The changed clothes should be washed and dried as soon as possible.

  In addition, it is better to use detergent instead of washing powder to wash clothes. Powdery things will increase allergy symptoms.

  8. Hair: After working outside for a day, my hair is covered with various allergens, so it is easy to wear my nose and mouth.

  You'd better wear a hat when going out in spring, especially when it's windy. After going home, wash your hair with warm water.

  9. Flower pot: plants can grow in different molds through the moist soil environment at their roots. If they are often sprinkled when not watered, the bacterial system will affect the surrounding areas.

  Can be placed in the flowerpot and some pebbles to prevent the main spread of mold.

  For people with severe allergy, please move the plants outside.

  10. Pet friend: If a friend has a dog or kitten at home, it is easy for him to bring the pet's skin and hair to his home when he visits.

  After guests leave, they can vacuum the sofa, carpet and other places.

  Eight allergy symptoms are most likely to be ignored

  The nose is blocked for a long time, and there is a sound of "wheezing" when breathing

  Nasal congestion caused by a cold usually goes away after a week. If it lasts too long, it is likely to be caused by allergy. If it is not treated in time, it is easy to develop sinusitis, sleep dysfunction, etc.

  dark under-eye circles

  The dark circles around the eyes are related to the severity of allergy.

  The study found that 67% of children with allergic rhinitis had dark circles under their eyes, and the lower eye bags were black, with a large area.

  Frequent sleepiness

  It is easy to fall asleep during the day. If it is not for lack of sleep and other reasons, you should be alert to the disasters caused by allergy.

  Dust, tobacco, colleagues' perfume, etc. will become allergens, making people more and more tired.

  Red, swollen and itchy eyes

  If the eyes itch, the use of anti-inflammatory eyedrops is not only bad but also worse. Be alert to allergic conjunctivitis.

  The child has a poor appetite and does not gain weight

  Children with anorexia, irritability, fatigue, repeated vomiting and chronic diarrhea may be allergic to food.

  It is recommended to go to the hospital for food allergen testing as soon as possible.

  The skin becomes rough

  If a child's skin problem becomes rougher, he often scratches, refuses to hold, refuses to wear clothes, and cries at night, it may be due to the child's eczema.

  Frequently itchy nose

  If the temperature difference between the air conditioner and the morning and night is large, the nose is itchy, clear, and sometimes sneezes continuously, we should consider allergy.

  My mouth feels numb and itchy after eating fruits and vegetables

  Patients who are allergic to eating fruits and vegetables may have symptoms such as lip edema, rash, peeling, skin itching, numbness of tongue, or symptoms such as eye itching, sneezing, runny nose, etc.

  Eight Mistakes about Allergy

  1. Allergy is a psychological problem

  Allergy is affected by genetic and environmental factors. The brain also plays an important guiding role in the process of allergic reaction research. Emotional management can trigger allergic reactions.

  For example, people who are allergic to roses may have the same reaction when they see plastic roses.

  2. Children are not allergic to their age

  The incidence of food allergy in children is more than 10 times that of adults. With the growth of children, the allergy to milk, eggs, wheat and bean products gradually decreases; But allergies to nuts, fish and shellfish may be permanent.

  3. Allergy is not life threatening

  Allergy is fatal. Some allergic diseases can cause allergic reactions, sudden reactions with attribute hypotension, swelling of the tongue and throat, and difficulty breathing.

  4. Allergy to pets is allergy to pet hair.

  10-15% of people are allergic to pet food, but not all of them can be caused by pet hair.

  Allergen is a protein that targets hair, urine and saliva of different animals.

  5. Shellfish allergy is caused by iodine

  People who are allergic to fish and shellfish are afraid to take iodine containing drugs, but there is no connection between them. Seafood allergy is caused by the protein it contains.

  6. Many people are allergic to milk

  Milk allergy is more common in infants than in adults.

  But after adults drink milk, gastrointestinal and flatulence, spasm or diarrhea are more likely to show lactose intolerance.

  The latter is lack of lactase, which can not metabolize milk lactose.

  7. Natural or organic food will not affect allergy

  Many foods that may cause allergies are natural, such as milk, eggs, peanuts, wheat, soybeans, fish, shellfish and nuts, mainly because of the protein they contain.

  8. Anti allergy injection does not work at all

  Immunotherapy is not effective for all allergies, but the effective rate for insect venom is 95%, and the effective rate for pollinosis is 85%.

  How to keep away from allergens?

  Keep away from allergens: isolate allergens first to prevent allergic diseases

  1. Make safety protection before going out, and try to avoid going out in windy days;

  2. Take a shower in time when you go home, change your clothes and shoes, and close the doors and windows;

  3. After washing clothes and bedding, it is better to dry them in the air rather than in the open air;

  4. Clean the room regularly with a vacuum cleaner.

  Protect your skin: The skin is the most easily exposed to external environmental stimuli.

  Atopic dermatitis not only causes people to have adverse behavioral reactions such as itching, but also affects their appearance!

  1. Keep skin clean and promote skin metabolism;

  2. When washing face, the bath water temperature should not be too high to avoid skin dehydration and dryness and allergy;

  3. Keep away from ultraviolet rays

  4. Select skin care products correctly according to your skin characteristics.

  Keep a good habit of life and study: good self immunity is also helpful to resist the attack of allergic disease.

  1. Actively exercise, regulate the body's immune function, and help improve the allergic constitution;

  2. Live a regular life, go to bed and get up early, drink more water, and maintain skin vitality;

  3. In terms of food culture, we should eat more fresh fruits and vegetables and fermented foods, such as fermented cheese and yogurt. Especially probiotics in the latter can help us strengthen our immunity. It is recommended to eat them regularly.

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