Eight moves for nourishing and protecting the liver

release time:2022-04-01|reading:

       As the saying goes, "A good liver is good for all work, and a bad liver is bad for all work."! The liver is clean and the skin is delicate.


  The liver is the body's most important organ for metabolism and detoxification.

  Various substances absorbed by intestinal mucosa, including nutrients and toxins, will be decomposed, synthesized and detoxified by the portal vein of the liver after passing through the gastrointestinal vascular system.

  Because the liver is the only organ without pain receptors, no matter how tired it is, it will not moan or cry out in pain, which is why people often ignore its health.

  This is why liver cancer is so serious when it is discovered.

  The liver problem is that there is no very important organ. It is in charge of the detoxification and metabolism of sugar, fat and protein. The human body is responsible for most of the metabolism and the transformation of toxic chemicals. Therefore, it is also the most easily polluted department.

  Two functions of liver in traditional Chinese medicine

  1. Liver is responsible for relieving

  The main problems are reflected in the following three aspects:

  ① The function of relieving the digestive system.

  The liver can promote and regulate the normal functioning of the spleen and stomach as described in TCM.

  ② Bile drainage.

  The secretion and function of the liver to bile are related to the drainage of the liver because of the internal and external hepatobiliary phase.

  ③ It is related to and regulates emotional ambition.

  The pathogenic factors of traditional Chinese medicine are divided into "external and internal injuries", "seven sense" diseases, and anger hurts the liver. When life is angry, it will hurt the liver. The liver qi is not sparse, and it will also lead to irritability, forming a vicious circle.

  2. Liver governs blood storage

  The liver has the function of storing blood and regulating blood flow.

  When the function of the organs is needed, Qi is the blood that reaches the organs and maintains the normal operation of the organs.

  If the liver and blood storage function are abnormal, it indicates that the corresponding function is abnormal.

  "Lying is the blood of the liver". Adequate sleep can nourish the liver.

  Traditional Chinese medicine believes that from 11 p.m. to 3 a.m., the blood flows through the liver and gallbladder. At this time, the body should rest completely, otherwise the repair function will be affected.

  This is why people should have enough sleep and a good mood. When people sleep, the blood flows to the liver, and the liver is nourished and in a good mood.

  This is also the reason why many people do not have a good rest, such as working overtime and staying up late. When people are easily angry, the blood storage function of the liver is not satisfied.

  "Liver" is bitter

  In today's world, people's life rhythm is fast, the pressure related to work and life is increasing, overtime, entertainment and staying up late are common, food and drink are not standardized, supply is unbalanced, lack of exercise and other unhealthy lifestyles.

  It makes our liver bear a huge burden, causing cumulative damage, and even common liver diseases such as alcoholic liver, fatty liver, cirrhosis and viral hepatitis.

  When there is a problem with the liver, that is, the detoxification organ, the body will have the following symptoms:

  1. Unexplained fatigue, irritability, anxiety and depression.

  2. Dry eyes or dead fish eyes, dry mouth and bitter mouth, migraine.

  3. Hair is often oily.

  4. There is sticky stool and body odor.

  5. Waist fat increases, temper is not too big, insomnia and dreaminess.

  6. There are red moles on the chest and back.

  7. Nails have obvious vertical stripes, face and liver spots on both sides.

  8. Breast hyperplasia and gynecological problems.

  If you experience more than one symptom, you must begin to regulate the function of the liver and gallbladder.

  Chinese medicine is better than western medicine in recuperating the body, and food therapy is better than drug therapy. The best choice for nourishing the liver is the Chinese yam and bean curd porridge, which can detoxify in spring and summer.

  Chinese yam, mung bean and lily porridge: peel Chinese yam, cut it into small pieces, soak lily hair, green beans, with rice, water into electric rice cooker, crystal sugar, and cook porridge.

  Modern people have too many food additives and often eat fast food, greasy and fried food. The body will leave a lot of toxins, which will accumulate in the body. The toxins will not only spill over the skin and damage the face, but also the liver.

  Eight moves for nourishing and protecting the liver

  1 Happy is the most important

  The liver is characterized by catharsis, happiness and depression.

  Only when the liver is free, can the body reach a state of relaxation, just like a tree with branches and leaves spreading.

  As long as a person is angry, his liver will be blocked.

  In severe cases, there will be "angry liver pain", that is, bilateral rib pain. If the blockage is serious, it will also affect the bilateral mammary glands and thyroid glands in the neck, leading to lumps in these two parts.

  Women are more likely to cause menstrual disorders and sleep disorders. Therefore, it is the most important to nourish the liver, be happy, relax the heart and not block the heart.

  Suggestions: friends who often suffer from liver pain and bilateral pain should: take part in more recreational activities; Go to a place with good natural scenery to relax; Talk with friends more to relieve worries.

  2 Keep away from alcohol and tobacco

  As we all know, drinking alcohol can damage the liver. There is no drug or food to prevent alcohol from damaging the liver. Especially on an empty stomach, alcohol will be quickly absorbed by the blood, which will not only damage the liver, but also have adverse effects on the whole body.

  Especially for patients with chronic liver disease, drinking behavior is no different from drinking poison. After drinking, about 90%~95% of them are metabolized in the liver. No matter how fast or slow the economy is, a large amount or a small amount of information is ingested for alcohol products, it will lead to severe hypoxic necrosis by increasing the oxygen consumption capacity of the liver.

  Suggestion: If you have liver disease, the best choice is not to smoke or drink.

  Even if you have to do this, you should be prepared to protect your liver and take plenty of vitamins to increase its stress capacity.

  Drink slowly, preferably in a small glass.

  Research has found that even if you limit the number of drinks, drinking from large glasses can be equally harmful.

  3 Go to bed early

  Nowadays, the nightlife is becoming more and more rich, especially in big cities. By the time of "497", all kinds of entertainment venues are still bustling. Even if they don't go out to play, many people will forget their bedtime at home by surfing the Internet, playing cards or playing mobile phones.

  The lack of sleep quality has become a "murderer" that seriously affects the psychological health of the human body.

  But every night (23:00 - 1:00), it is the time for the liver and gall to repair themselves. At this time, you can enter deep sleep, which is very nourishing.

  If you do not sleep at this time, the liver will gradually lose power, the function of detoxification will decline in a straight line, and various toxins will not be directly discharged to the face, and acne and various spots will appear.

  In particular, the temple and both sides of the cheek are the "three parts of one mu" of the Liver Sutra and its companion Bile Sutra. Once the liver is unhappy with detoxification, his backyard will catch fire first.

  Suggestions: Eat dinner early, exercise properly, soak your feet, go to bed before 10 o'clock in the evening, and fall asleep at 10:30 every night!

  4 Polyplochia

  Overuse of eyes is another major reason for the weakness of liver qi in modern people.

  The liver stores abundant blood, and its main function is to keep the eyes bright.

  Long term watching TV, computers, mobile phones and playing games can easily lead to liver blood insufficiency.

  The most convenient way to nourish the liver is to close your eyes, improve your eyesight and be self-sufficient.

  Suggestion: It is a good way to nourish the liver by closing your eyes frequently, especially before we go to bed at night, even if we can't sleep, we should try to keep your eyes closed to nourish your mind.

  When teaching is busy, we must also take time to see a distant and green plant. The green light wave has the least damage to the eyes. We should see more flowers, plants and trees to nourish the eyes and liver.

  "Three Treasures" must be taken to protect liver and nourish

  1 Mung bean

  Mung beans are rich in trypsin inhibitors, which can protect the liver.

  The experiment found that mung bean has a certain preventive effect on lung cancer and liver cancer caused by morphine+sodium nitrite.

  Chinese medicine believes that mung bean has the functions of clearing heat and detoxification, diuresis and eyesight, treating heat toxin, protecting liver and kidney, protecting blood lipid and cholesterol, anti-tumor, antibacterial, etc.

  When eating mung beans, you should eat them in liquid form, such as mung bean soup. The effect of mung bean cake will be worse.

  2 Yam

  Yam is a good product for recovering from illness. It has a strong body and the function of nourishing the kidney and essence.

  It has the effects of invigorating the spleen and stomach, aiding digestion, relieving cough, preventing cardiovascular disease, and prolonging life. It is suitable for quenching thirst, supplementing qi, and yin deficiency.

  3 Lily

  Lily can remove the heat toxin of liver and lung, nourish yin and moisten the lung, clear the heart and calm the nerves, calm the heart and fight cancer, nourish yin and nourish blood, which is very useful for people with body deficiency and insomnia after illness.

  Fresh lily is rich in mucus and vitamins, which are beneficial to the metabolism of skin cells.

  Women often eat lily in spring and summer, which has certain beauty effect.

  You can try moxibustion to nourish and protect the liver

  From the liver meridians to moxibustion, there are 2 to 3 points from top to bottom every day. Each point lasts for 15 minutes, and the first point can last for about 10 minutes. In sticking to the important principle, the liver controls blood and tendons, and in long-term sticking to nourishing blood and liver blood! Among the 14 points of the liver meridians, there are several very magical and effective points, which are introduced as follows:

  1 Taichong point

  There is a two inch dent between the lines. The same is true for the body of a large hole.

  Replenish blood gas in case of fatigue, reduce blood pressure in case of dizziness and brain distension, increase temperature in case of cold, clear fire and fall asleep in case of anger, and recover well in case of irregular menstruation.

  In a word, it is the door of ill luck, so it often rubs for two minutes every day. Only good, no, persist for several months to see the magical effect!

  Phase 2 portal

  The acute and chronic liver diseases will be greatly improved by long-term daily stimulation from the near liver part.

  3 Dadun Point

  It is used for gynecological diseases such as qi stagnation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, metrorrhagia and menopause.

  Male impotence, incontinence, hernia, etc. (It is good to rub and stimulate the thumb and toes, and it is also good to smoke with moxibustion.)

  4 Zhongfeng acupoint

  It is the "golden point" on the liver meridian, which is the key point of essence and blood for human body maintenance. It can cure excessive liver fire and facilitate urination through inhibition, that is, "the opening of the orifices leads to the closing of the orifices of essence", so it is the magic method of essence fixation.

  5 Ququan Cave

  The depression above the lateral mode of the inner knee.

  It is a knee joint protection point, can also be flat, suitable for various liver deficiency diseases. More people squeeze more income.

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