be careful! These "first aid measures for heatstroke" are not credible! Please remember these three points in your diet!

release time:2022-04-08|reading:

      "Dog days" are very hot, many citizens feel unwell, and even have symptoms of heat stroke.

  It is pointed out that there is misunderstanding about the "first aid" of common heatstroke, such as pinching, self medication, etc.

  In the "dog days", drinking more water, eating reasonably and eating disorderly are the three key points of a reasonable diet.

  Pinching people is like pinching your thighs


  You can't "mope"

  If you get heatstroke, can you pinch someone else?

  Remind me that it's useless

  The root cause of heatstroke is the serious imbalance between heat production and heat dissipation of the body, so the first thing we should do is to cool down and stay away from heat sources.

  Especially for coma patients, sometimes even pinching patients due to the pain and stimulation caused by inhalation asphyxia, but there is a potential danger of aggravation.

  In addition, after heatstroke in summer, it is effective to supplement water reasonably for those who sweat a lot, but it is not recommended to drink Liangbaikai in large quantities, because the need for large amounts of sweat will be accompanied by electrolyte loss. If we drink Liangbaikai in large quantities at this time, it will affect the human body without dilutive hyponatremia, and may cause brain edema and coma in severe cases.

  The expert system reminds that when you have heatstroke, you should not use a lot of cold water to make you feel stuffy. You should drink a small amount of cold water for many times. If you add salt properly, you will get more and better results.

  Not recommended for Huoxiang Zhengqi Water

  Do not use drugs by yourself

  In case of heat stroke, it is often necessary for someone to think that it is right to drink a bottle of agastache medicinalis first. It is not recommended for some citizens and friends to use the production of agastache medicinalis medicinalis medicinalis medicinalis medicinalis after heat stroke. The main reasons are as follows:

  First, the therapeutic function of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water requires that it is mainly used for relieving exterior dampness, regulating qi and harmonizing. It is used for colds caused by various exogenous cold, internal injury dampness or summer injury heat dampness. Heatstroke is not within the indication of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water;

  Second, the alcohol content of Huoxiang Zhengqi Water is 40%~50%, which may cause more direct and serious dehydration after taking it, and the heat stroke patients will suffer more serious injuries.

  Some people think it is good to take antipyretic drugs for heatstroke. Is that true?

  This "heat" is not another "heat".

  The mechanism of heat stroke is different from that of temperature rise caused by bacteria and viruses.

  The heat caused by heatstroke is the heat accumulated in the body due to the blockage of the body's cooling center. You cannot dissipate heat through sweating, while antipyretic drugs work through sweating.

  Taking antipyretics after heat stroke may be counterproductive.

  Therefore, physical cooling is the first choice after heat stroke.

  Hot "dog days"

  Keep these three dietary tips in mind

  In hot weather, there should be three main points of diet: drink more water, eat light food and avoid eating indiscriminately.

  First, drink more water.

  In high temperature and weather, in general, the daily drinking water volume is 1500ml~1700ml. When sweating more, the daily drinking water volume can be increased to 2000ml~3000ml.

  If you need to do some physical work or drastic change exercise in a high-temperature working environment, you can drink at least 2-4 cups of cold water (about 500ml~1000ml) every hour.

  For employees exposed to the sun and sweating heavily, you can drink water containing sodium or salt. It is appropriate to have a salt content of 0.15%~0.2%.

  Second, light diet.

  In hot weather, the diet should be as light as possible, but moderately salty to supplement salt, except for patients with hypertension.

  The staple food is suitable for eating porridge, rice porridge, black rice porridge, corn soup, etc. in addition to the usual cereals.

  High moisture food is beneficial to human hydration and nutrient metabolism.

  It is recommended to eat more vegetables and fruits, especially those with high water content, such as winter melon, cucumber, watermelon, etc., which will help to supplement water, potassium and other micronutrients.

  During meals, vegetable soup and melon soup can be properly drunk.

  Steamed fish, shrimp and tofu soup are usually recommended for meat dishes.

  There is a saying in TCM diet treatment that "radish is eaten in winter and ginger is eaten in summer". Ginger can be properly put into soup and vegetables, because drinking too much cold water will cause stomach discomfort.

  Third, don't eat or drink.

  In hot weather, alcoholic or sugary drinks can cause the body to lose more water, so they should not be drunk.

  Avoid cold drinks to avoid stomach cramps.

  For some patients who need to limit their liquid intake, please follow the doctor's advice and avoid drinking too much water at one time.

  In addition, in the hot summer, when the human digestive ability is weakened, it is also necessary to avoid overeating, avoid frying and other high oil and high-fat foods, and reduce the consumption of nuts, dried beans and other food that is not easy to digest and flatulence.

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