Contents of Breastfeeding Publicity

release time:2022-01-17|reading:

1.Benefits of breastfeeding?

(1) Breast milk is the best food for babies.

It contains all the nutrients and important trace elements needed for the growth and development of infants within 4-6 months after birth.

The proportion of calcium and phosphorus is appropriate and easy to digest and absorb.

(2) Breast milk, especially colostrum (within 7 days after delivery) contains a rich anti infective substance, which can enhance the anti disease technical ability of your baby and protect it from getting sick.

The incidence of diarrhea, pneumonia and allergy in breast fed infants was significantly lower than that in artificial feeding infants.

(3) The development of baby brain nerve cells needs some substances in breast milk, which is conducive to the development of intelligence.

(4) The postpartum uterus of breast fed Baoma contracted well with little bleeding.

Breastfeeding can also inhibit ovulation, reduce the chance of pregnancy, and reduce the risk of breast and ovarian cancer in the future.

(5) Breastfeeding can strengthen the mother child relationship and give children love and protection.

(6) Breast milk is hygienic, sterile, economical, convenient, with appropriate temperature, fresh and free from deterioration.


2. What is exclusive breastfeeding?

Feed your own baby with your own milk. Do not give your child any other liquid or solid food.

3. The importance of early skin contact and early weaning after delivery?

The key to successful breastfeeding is to start breastfeeding as early as possible.

After the umbilical cord ruptures, the newborn shall be placed naked on the breast of the mother within 30 minutes, and the skin contact between the mother and the baby shall not be less than 30 minutes, which is called early contact;

Helping the newborn suckle the mother's nipple is called early sucking.

The sucking reflex is a human instinct. It matures 32 - 36 weeks in the womb, is strongest 10 - 30 minutes after birth, and weakens 60 minutes later.

Early sucking can promote the early secretion of milk, stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete oxytocin, strengthen contraction, and reduce postpartum hemorrhage.

Colostrum contains more antibodies, which can also stimulate the baby's intestinal peristalsis, promote meconium excretion, and promote the maturation of intestinal mucosa.

4. The importance of 24 hours for mothers and babies?

After normal delivery, the mother and baby should stay in the same room for 24 hours.

The separation time of mother and baby shall not exceed 1 hour every day.

In this way, the mother can pick up the baby at any time to analyze breastfeeding, which is the basis for ensuring on-demand breastfeeding.

At the same time, the mother can care for the baby at any time, which is conducive to establishing a feeling and reducing the infection and prevalence of many related diseases.

The mother baby room can help the mother learn how to take care of the newborn in the hospital, and create conditions for continuous breastfeeding after discharge.

5. Maternal feeding posture and infant sucking posture

(1) During feeding, the mother can take some different positions - sitting, lying, standing, embracing, all kinds of positions are available. The mother's position is comfortable, her mood is more pleasant, and her muscle tissue is loose, which is conducive to promoting milk excretion.

(2) The mother and the baby must be closely connected. No matter where the baby is held, the baby's body should turn to the mother and be close to the mother's body, that is, the chest should be close to the chest, the abdomen should be close to the abdomen, the mandible should be close to the breast, and the nose tip should be close to the nipple. The baby's head and body are in a straight line.

(3) The mother should hold the baby tightly with both hands, and the newborn should hold the baby's buttocks.

If the breast is too large, the mother can hold the breast with one hand, place the thumb gently above the breast, put the other four fingers together on the breast wall below the breast, and support the bottom of the breast with the index finger. The mother's hand should not be too close to the nipple.

(4) Before feeding, the mother can first touch the nipple to the baby's lips to induce the foraging reflex. When the baby opens its mouth, she can put the nipple and most of the areola into the baby's mouth to let the baby absorb the nipple and most of the areola.

(5) Once the baby is included: the nose is facing the breast, the lips should be raised like "fish lips", inhale most of the areola, bulge the cheeks when sucking, and suck and swallow rhythmically.

If the connection is correct, sucking should not cause any discomfort. If the connection is incorrect, it will lead to nipple rupture. When sucking, the mother will feel nipple pain.

6. The importance of on-demand breastfeeding:

According to the needs of the baby, nursing is needed by the baby. The number and time of nursing are not specified. It should be feeding the baby when crying or when the mother feels breast distension.

Under normal circumstances, the baby sleeps for a long time. If the mother feels the milk swelling, she should also wake up the baby.

Breastfeeding on demand can stimulate the secretion of prolactin, so that more milk is secreted and more milk is sucked. The emptier the breast, the more milk is secreted.

The baby drinks milk irregularly in the first two days and eats more often, but after a period of time, it will gradually form a certain rule.

7. How to ensure mother has enough milk?

(1) Early contact and early sucking;

(2) Mother and baby stay in the same room for 24 hours;

(3) Breastfeeding on demand;

(4) Abolition of milk bottles and artificial teats;

(5) Ensure the nutrition of the parturient;

(6) Maternity should be in a good mood

(7) Society and families should support breastfeeding.

8. Breastfeeding is not allowed under special circumstances, such as HIV and viral hepatitis?

(1) Breastfeeding is not recommended for people living with HIV.

(2) Hepatitis B is the most common viral hepatitis, and the debate on breastfeeding has been very fierce for many years.

In recent years, it is generally believed that breastfeeding is safe for newborns after active and passive immunization, but there is still insufficient evidence on whether breastfeeding is safe for mothers with positive HBsAg and HBeAg.

9. How to insist on breastfeeding after work?

The lying in women should keep themselves happier, have good sleep and nutrition, and ensure adequate milk. The company should set up a nursing room at the time and place of work. The lying in women should not be on night shift to ensure the persistence of breastfeeding.

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