Want to delay aging and be more beautiful? These five nutrients are indispensable

release time:2022-01-18|reading:

In fact, if you want to delay aging, it is a floating cloud to take various supplements and medicines. It is more important and most important to add some targeted nutrition, which is better than taking unknown health products.


Young women have cornflakes, orange juice and apples for breakfast

1.Sugar (carbohydrate)

Don't refuse carbs because you are afraid of gaining weight.

In fact, carbohydrate has only half the calories of fat.

It is recommended to eat more complex polysaccharides, such as starch, dietary fiber, etc.

Starch mainly contains a variety of research vitamins and minerals, while dietary fiber cells can help digestion. Its main content sources include rice, whole grains, sweet potatoes, corn, fresh vegetables and fruits, etc. You can also choose to eat more cereals, which are high in fiber and low in calories, easy to produce satiety, nutritious and not easy to gain weight.

As the basic metabolic rate of menopausal women has decreased significantly, it is better to avoid touching refined diet, such as bread, cake, dessert, etc.

2. Vitamins

After menopause, women's physical function declines and sometimes they are emotionally unstable, so they need to take adequate vitamins.

Vitamin A benefits the eyes and skin, improves dryness caused by aging, and helps repair the uterus and vagina.

Vitamin B can help relieve fatigue, irritability and insomnia;

Vitamin C has antioxidant effect and can enhance the elasticity of blood vessels;

Vitamin E can relieve hot flashes and night sweats;

3. Minerals

Calcium supplements can prevent osteoporosis. Menopausal women are advised to take 1000 to 1500 mg a day, as well as vitamin D.

At this stage, you should give up the habit of drinking soda and coffee to avoid affecting calcium absorption.

Foods rich in calcium include milk, dark vegetables and bean products.

Affected by anemia, some menopausal women will become pale. It is recommended to supplement iron and eat more red meat, pig blood, animal liver, etc.

Magnesium, which can relieve anxiety, is high in laver and green leafy vegetables.

4. Protein

Women in menopause need less protein. In order to maintain the normal function of the body and enhance resistance, they must eat more protein than they needed when they were young.

It is generally recommended that every kilogram of body weight should be X0.7 ー 1.0g per day, and special attention should be paid to supplementing high-quality protein, such as milk, eggs, lean meat, beef and mutton, pork, etc.

These foods not only contain essential amino acids for human body, but also contain vitamin A, B1, B2, etc.

5. Plant biochemical element

It is a natural chemical contained in fruits and vegetables, which is beneficial to menopausal women.

For example, soybean isoflavones in soybeans, lycopene in tomatoes, garlic essence in garlic, catechins in green tea, anthocyanins in blueberries, carotene in carrots, zeaxanthin, etc.

To ensure sufficient daily intake of fruits and vegetables, enterprises can effectively improve the problems of women in menopause.

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