10 Signs of Early Diabetes

release time:2022-01-19|reading:

A study found that 25% of diabetics did not know they were ill when they were ill.

An article said: "The occurrence of diabetes is gradually emerging.".


The following 10 signs of diabetes should be noted.


The efficiency of transforming food into sugar in the body of diabetic patients has been declining, leading to a significant increase in sugar content in the blood.

In order to protect ourselves, the body has to excrete excess sugar through urine, resulting in a significant increase in urine volume.

2. Thirst

Increased urination will lead to dry mouth and tongue. At this time, do not use sugary drinks to quench thirst, so as not to increase the sugar content in the patient's blood and aggravate the disease.

3. Reduce weight loss

Being overweight is a risk factor for diabetes. Slight weight loss does not sound like a sign of diabetes.

In fact, there are two main reasons why diabetes leads to weight loss. One is that part of the water is discharged from the urine, and the other is that frequent urination will also take away some calories.

4. Weakness and hunger

High blood sugar means that the body cannot regulate blood sugar.

If you eat foods with high carbohydrate content (such as white rice and white flour), insulin will rise, leading to a rapid drop in blood sugar.

This can make you feel weak and crave more carbohydrates, leading to a vicious circle.

5. Persistent fatigue

Persistent fatigue is an important sign, which means that the food eaten has not been decomposed or utilized by cells.

Because the body can not get the energy it needs, it will be very tired.

With the increase of blood sugar level in patients with type 2 diabetes, these symptoms often appear slowly.

6. Be moody and grumpy

When the blood sugar level is abnormal, you will feel uncomfortable and may become more irritable.

In fact, hyperglycemia may also lead to some depressive symptoms, such as feeling very tired, not liking doing things, not wanting to go out and just wanting to sleep.

7. Blurred vision

In the early stage of diabetes, due to the accumulation of glucose in the eyes, it will temporarily change its shape, causing the eyes to be unable to focus.

About 6 to 8 weeks after the blood sugar stabilized, the blurred visual symptoms disappeared and the eyes automatically adjusted.

It should be noted that most of the early symptoms of diabetes are not diabetic retinopathy.

8. Slow wound healing

The blood sugar level of diabetic patients increases, and the immune function decreases, leading to the decline of the body's self repair ability.

9. Numb feet

When the blood sugar concentration rises, slight nerve damage may occur, leading to numbness of legs and feet.

10. More prone to urinary tract and yeast infection

The increase of sugar content in the urethra and vagina may become a hotbed for bacterial and yeast infections. Be careful of repeated infections.

The longer the blood sugar is not controlled in time after diabetes, the higher the risk of serious complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, blindness, etc.

If the above conditions have occurred, it is recommended to check relevant indicators in the hospital.

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