Prevention and treatment of tuberculosis in popular science

release time:2022-01-12|reading:

一、 What is tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that causes serious harm to human health after the invasion of tuberculosis bacteria into the human body. It is highly infectious, so people have a strong fear of tuberculosis.


With the development of science and technology, more than ten kinds of effective anti tuberculosis drugs have been developed. As long as they are found early and treated regularly, they can be cured.

Tuberculosis can invade any organ of the human body, that is to say, tuberculosis can occur in all organs of the human body, but tuberculosis is mainly transmitted through the human respiratory tract. Therefore, the majority of the bacilli that cause tuberculosis after the human body is infected with tuberculosis.

Therefore, "everyone has a responsibility to prevent and control tuberculosis".

二、 How tuberculosis is infected, developed and spread

The source of infection of tuberculosis is mainly the sputum smear positive pulmonary tuberculosis patients who discharge bacteria. The tuberculosis bacteria can be mainly transmitted through droplets. The tuberculosis patients spread the microbubbles containing the tuberculosis bacteria in the air through coughing or sneezing. The healthy people will be infected by the tuberculosis bacteria if they inhale the droplets containing the tuberculosis bacteria.

After a healthy person is infected with tuberculosis, he or she may not get sick. Whether he or she gets sick depends on the virulence of tuberculosis and the strength of his or her body's resistance. The human body usually has no clinical symptoms when he or she first contacts with tuberculosis, but he or she can get sick when his or her resistance decreases.

三、 What are the main symptoms of tuberculosis

(1) , Systemic symptoms

1.Long term low fever or afternoon hot flashes;

2. General discomfort, tiredness and fatigue;

3. Night sweat: more than one is born in the middle of the night or early morning;

4. Loss of appetite, weight loss and weight loss.

(2) Respiratory symptoms

1.Cough and expectoration: it is the most common early symptom of tuberculosis, with mild or transient initial onset;

2. Hemoptysis or blood sputum;

3. Chest tightness and chest pain;

4. Be short of breath.

Cough and expectoration for more than 3 weeks;

Hemoptysis or sputum with blood, fever or chest pain for more than 3 weeks;

Those with one of the above symptoms are "those with suspicious symptoms of tuberculosis", who must go to normal tuberculosis prevention and control institutions for inspection.

Special attention: TB patients must be treated in regular TB institutions, and TB is completely curable.

四、 How to prevent tuberculosis

1.The room shall be ventilated by opening windows regularly to keep the indoor air fresh.

According to statistics, ventilation changes every ten minutes, and 99% of the nodules in the air can be blown off after 4-5 times.

2. Develop good hygiene habits, assign special personnel to wash and gargle, wash hands frequently, change clothes frequently, and disi

nfect regularly.

3. Cover your mouth and nose with a paper towel when you cough or sneeze. Wrap the sputum in paper and burn it. Do not spit anywhere.

Prevent TB germs from spreading to others through droplets.

4. Strengthen physical exercise, live a regular life, pay attention to adequate diet, nutrition and sleep, maintain a healthy psychology, enhance physical resistance, and minimize the chance of disease

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