Children's Massage: "Green Therapy" without Injection

release time:2022-04-24|reading:

       Pediatric massage, also known as infantile massage, is a treatment method that doctors use one hand to apply manipulation on specific points or parts of the child's body surface to prevent and treat children's diseases, which belongs to external treatment of traditional Chinese medicine.


  Children's massage does not use drugs, but it can play the role of drug therapy, and there is no side effect of drugs.

  It is safe and effective, less painful, and more easily accepted by children.

  In fact, children's massage has a long history and is a treasure of traditional Chinese medicine.

  As early as in the Silk Book "52 Disease Prescriptions" of the Western Han Dynasty, it was recorded that the diseased parts around the children can be scraped off with a spoon and then treated.

  Jin's "Elbow Emergency Reserve" first introduced that chiropractic can treat abdominal pain.

  Tang Dynasty's "Qianjin Yaofang": It can be pasted on children's footboards and hands and feet to ward off cold.

  The Secret Biography of Tang Waitai also records that head back massage can prevent and treat children's restlessness at night... During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, massage therapy was widely used in pediatrics, and gradually formed a special system with characteristics.

  With the renewal of modern people's health concept, many parents begin to trust and adopt "green therapy" - child massage, which has become one of the important means of child health care and treatment.

  Some parents worry that children are too young to receive massage therapy, and their children will be hurt.

  In fact, generally speaking, children aged 0 to 12 can receive massage therapy.

  Children massaging specific acupoints is more effective for children under 6 years of age, and children over 3 years of age can also use children to massage specific acupoints. However, as the age increases, the massage feeling of the body decreases, and the treatment process is relatively long. Some can be used together with some adult massage techniques.

  The research scope of diseases that children can be treated by massage is also very wide. Children with diarrhea, anorexia, constipation, abdominal pain and other diseases of the spleen and stomach, cold, fever, cough and other lung diseases, as well as other diseases such as nocturnal crying, muscular torticollis, pseudomyopia and infantile urination in teenagers can be improved by using Chinese pediatric massage.

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